SteemQuest Beta: Map (part 2)

in #steemquest5 years ago

Welcome! to SteemQuest a RPG based board game

[New Players]
SteemQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world here on Steem. New players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road)

If you are New and want to join just reply to any active post with a character. I will create you a character card and add you

Here are the current rules:

Here is the link to the character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:

Here is the link to the monster cards:

Welcome everyone. Our current party is:

@sidekickmatt - Character Quaid @wren1221 - Character Thunk @darklands - Character Grim / as know as ‘not omar’ @basilmarples - Character Gylfi 'IronDog' Glimbjorn @agr8buzz - Character Zur @sarez - Character Khan

I will be posting a new turn every 48 hours to give players time to interact



Ass the party cleans up the decks of the blood & guts of Merfolk. Some of them find a chest and open it. After this Grim wanders down to the Galley and whips up some grub.

Quaid with the Map and Instruments Thunk found below in the Captain's Quarters believes he is back on Course.

As the Course is set you hear a dinner bell ? The party head below deck to enjoy some grub.

ChestBot - Any 3 items may be given to Chestbot to Consume. If this happens the items are destroyed a new Chest will appear with a new random item (Note: It may contain one of the items it consumed, as this is completely random roll by the bot)
So if you are sitting on a stack of Elven Bows you might as well do something with them, other then make a bonfire.



Rrrr thanks for this here Fish stick Grim! Zur really seems to be embracing his inner pirate.. Zur has a look around for anything useful @searchbot

hmmmm... @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find compass

"There's that compass! That would have been really useful before we got lost! er.... before we drifted slightly off course...."

let's also give you a +1 for the compass and a +1 for the mapoh i forgot here is the ocean current roll.... @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

that is some strong current

I've got this course laid in... @rolld20 (+3)

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Would you guys like me to make a spreadsheet with all items everyone has instead of having to click on each card ?
I am trying to automate Inventory with a bot so you could just call it to see your stats.

I feel like a spread sheet will be much less work for you than updating individual cards. I would be in favor of a spreadsheet, and a bot call to show inventory and health stats would be epic!

i agree. I will work on these this week.

yes a like it to. a wonder on the inventory. can we get a few non weapon/armor slots for random items like the fish a got etc.

Yes. I am going to overhaul the inventory system

nice. if am not mistaken my character in missing a skill. can a get dead eye

Khan is now Level 2 and needs to roll for new hearts and pick a new skill

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Quaid goes down to the mess hall: "Smells good down here! Don't worry we should be arriving down the coast in a few hours...." (OOC: I rolled a "1" we are VERY VERY lost).

While we're all down here, I'd like to try to Imbue some magic items. Not-Om... I mean GRIM, found some red gems. And maybe we can try something with those glowing blue rocks that Thunk has been carrying around. Anyone else have any gems or glowing rocks or... pixie dust... or ambergris or... anything?"

@darklands: which item would you like to try to enchant? And is it okay if I try one gem for my armor? @wren1221: want to try to enchant anything of yours with blue rocks? @sarez: I see you also have Imbue, once we get the items sorted you should try to Imbue some of these for the XP.

Quaid if you can make my battel ax a bit better a want it to cut frog legs off on one swing. handing over one the two gems a found and my ax. take my second gem as ty fore the shield

Thunk takes Grim by the shoulders and sits him down. Thunk pulls up a chair directly in front of him and begins in most big brother voice he can muster, “OK Not-Omar. We need to have a talk about them froglegs....”. Thunks tries to explain to Grim the story of how we mistakenly took the Frogmen as, uh, monsters and proceeded to dine on their legs in celebration. We then realized our mistake when one of them started to talk to us and eventually became a member of our adventuring party. We don’t talk about this mistake. We would hate for the frogman to learn that we cannibalized some of their people. Now we are trying to get everyone else to quit trying to eat the frogmen. It seems that mishap will haunt us forever.

grim is shaking his head...back in me cave. you had goblinds and non goblinds they all lokk the same to me. all a see is dinner. but when am thinking on it goblinds are not good to eat. they usaly have and after taste of there last meal. and a have heard they alsow ses goblinds as dinner to. he is making a gesture against Thunk zipping his mouth...lose concentration mid sentens: maybe? I should be a vegetarian...grass is always grass a hear. but grass....hmmm a like is good.

I'll go ahead and try to imbue Grim's Axe with one of the red gems, then
@sarez would you try to enchant my leather armor with the other red gem? (It's bad luck to try to enchant your own gear). Also, @simplegame, I don't remember what to roll to attempt Imbue. Thunk, you want that Goblin Sword to be... "blued?"

Here is the post to crafting. I will add a link to top of every turn. I will put this into the rules.

OOC: Oh, so we can't try to Imbue until we find a Forge/Shrine?

Yes you need a shrine but one is nearby.

"Everyone, search the ship for a portable shrine!" Quaid sits down and eats some supper

Imbuing Armor for @sidekickmatt @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

job done
that corner seems ...odd @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find absolutely NOTHING

The knight comes down the stairs. Guys I found a crate of frog legs on deck. What type of sauces Do we have ?

grim has just have and conversation about food...a yes frog feels like he just was talk about it. he remembered Thunk was saying something of the frog most have been of the frog legs crate on top..yes me knight. a can whip up some hot sauce from the chill a found in a crate down below.

OOC: The battle sequence was great but I am not sure what I gained. What is the way to check.

I want XP for imbuing so How about @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find absolutely NOTHING

It will be added to your player card. I am behind on the cards. Trying to convert to a spreadsheet everyone can access.

khan level up.png

The D6 bot is called rollthedice

Thunk starts pulling out his goodies and placing them on the table. “Sounds like a fine idea. Here’s a couple of them pointy (piercing) arrows. I just found this net also. I gave them blue glowing rocks to our blacksmith to ponder over. I kinda miss the nightlight by my bed, but if you magic makers can make my sword swing harder... “. Thunks stomach let’s out a rather LOUD grumble. “Got any more of them fish sticks?“

Congrats! on your upvotes from the IBT Community

trying desperate to make grub...sins the last fish feel in the fire. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

what a lovly fish stick see hiw many a get @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

OOC: how many is it?

am giving one to Thunk and zur. if more Quaid then me. while am down here lest see if we can find shomting @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find chest

you have made 5 servings.

nice then a keep the two my self

Also consider our MAPR fund and MAPXV vote bonds too.
MAP Steem Fintech: growing your STEEM without SP.A member bonus $trendotoken tip for @simplegame from MAXUV!

4.18725450 TRDO2.79150300 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @maxuvv, you successfuly trended the post shared by @simplegame! @simplegame will receive & @maxuvv will get

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If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!

This post has been upvoted by @opgaming. We like what you're posting, and we want to reward our members who produce quality content. Keep up the good work!

Hmm... Quaid thinks he sees something in that barrel near the ship's aft... @searchbot

You search the surrounding area and you find coin bag x5

Noyce! I'm rich!

After mopping up the top deck Thunk starts to head down for some grub. Thunk stops to load the cannon that was fired and @searchbot the area.

You search the surrounding area and you find fishing net

Thunk rolls up the fishing net. Neatly and heads on down to the aromas from below. After trying the fish sticks Thunk says, “Just like my Uncle Gorton used to make. Why are you calling the lad grim Quaid? Nuthin’ to be grim about. He cooks like he’s had some mighty fine learnin’ in the kitchen.”

“Uh, Quaid. Seems to me like we might be traveling in circles. I swear I’ve seen that set of waves before. You sure you’ve got this sailing stuff?”

"Of course I'm sure. These fancy new ships practically sail themselves."

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Ye throw the old knuckle bones and roll a 2

give me a bigger number @piratedice

Ye throw the old knuckle bones and roll a 2