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RE: Beard or not Beard, this is the problem...

in #steemrepo7 years ago

I personally love beards. To me is it the sign of a man who isn't afraid of his maturity. But I know I don't necessarily have the most common preference!

You're not alone though. I have heard that Ewan McGregor (Obi-wan Kenobi amongst other roles) loves to grow out his beard too, but his wife hates it, so he cuts it off when he gets home from one of his long journeys or a movie role which requires it.

I hope the beard is the only issue coming between you - but I'd be for you keeping it - I definitely think you look better with it.

(And yes, I'm a woman. :-) )


Tanks for your suggestion and to bring on my attention Star Wars behind the scenes... I cut my beard for love, so i fight with myself about keep or not to keep it!!! but usually the love win :-D

Yes it does - and that is how it should be, in the end. :-)