We were all probably in the same situation, after logging in for the first time on Steemit. Having written an article, we would refresh the page every minute or so, waiting for the votes. Of course, what Steemit is not saying, or what you don't see at first when you look at other accounts, is how much time was invested in growing his or hers network (number of followers) and how much work was done after writing the article, for promotion.
@steemromania helps, basically any Romanian who can write a coherent text will be voted, more or less, depending on a handfull of factors, community involvement or a bettering of himself and his articles or an increased utility in the subjects posted.
But for a new user, these pieces of information are not that easy to come by. He is bombarded with a lot of new terms, voting mechanics, curation, publishing rules so he is dazed by the multitude of options. Nobody tells him the basic things he needs to do to grow from the first moment, while still learning how the system works.
The most important thing to know is that Steemit gives the possibility to make your own connections. Nobody would be helped by it, if everyone would just follow everyone, finding something useful for you would be impossible.
The 5 basic steps for a rapid growth of your account
- Write a good article and try fo format it for readability. Add titles, subtitles, lists and photos.
- Choose the tags in which you post. This helps users to find your content.
- Visit your chosen tags and comment to other authors in the trending page. People that write about the same things as you, but they do have a bigger reputation or are better rewarded and have visibility. Try to complete their article and try to network with them or with their readers. Not cheap promotion but try to be present there.
- Promote your article on different promotion groups.
- Join Discord and visit the great groups, intiate a talk on your article's subject and see who is interested and network with those people.
Don't forget to dedicate sufficient time to each stage. If you wrote your articles in 30 minutes, you need another 30 minutes to read a few other articles in the tags you posted and to try to comment something useful to at least 1-2 of them. Then you need another 30 minutes to promote the articles, and probably even more to have a constructive talk with someone or with a group of people on a Discord channel. More time to guarantee that you will leave the anonymity of those 0$ from the first posts, right?
There are services which guarantee your posts o minimum rewards, of 1$ and even more with a minimum effort.
Of course, we are not talking about bots. We are talking about an organic growth, based on something real.
- PAL - Minnow Support Project - https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw
48 hourasA group dedicated to newbies. You need to register on #registration - $register *steemusername* ($register alexdory in my case). It will ask you to transfer 0.001 Steem sau SBD to the account of @msp-reg with a unique identifier as a memo, which is offered at registration. It takes 30 seconds to register and it's only done once. Then at every you can ask a vote on a link article. In the #upvote channel you can type $upvote link (the one starting with http..). A confirmation message appears and the article is voted. Sometimes the voting bot is inactive so read before you request a vote blindly, sometimes users blindly try to vote for hours at a time without reading the message.
- Qurator - https://discord.gg/dhV3Kmq
More detailsRegistration can be done in their #pp-registration with the command *reg username (*reg alexdory in my case). You send 4 STEEM to @qurator. Every day, Qurator will vote one of your posts, and the voting power can be increased. . T5 gives better rewards than T4 and so on. You can also drop your link to #postpromotion, where you can also receive votes from other users. You would need to vote and comment on another author (on Steemit) and to mention him in the same message you use for your promotion. For example @alexdory - link here, to show that you have voted for me. The limit is one article everyday.
- @TheSteemEngine - https://discord.gg/JehnBaW
Popular server, with a big general audience. You need to fill this form to become a member . The good articles are voted by the community account which has a voting power of above 0.8$. My favorite channel, you can get a lot of insight by promoting your article everyday, being one of the most open and active channels around.
- @BuddyUP - https://discord.gg/
Another promotion server which offers networking. The people are very creative and friendly. Cost to join is 1 Steem but it's worth every penny.
- Steemit Ramble - https://discord.gg/RcgtFUu
A channel that allows networking and post promotion. Additionaly, every Thursday you can join the live podcast in which you learn how to Pimp Your Post. The creator, @ShadowsPub, is a very open and interested in the future of Steem and of the platform in general.
- Steem Basic Income - https://discordapp.com/invite/fpSnkFM
A service in which you send 1 Steem to @steembasicincome along with the name of a person you wish to sponsor as a memo, and you both get 1 share. More people sponsored mean more shares, which translate in your articles being voted, according to their rules.
- Voices of 7he Underground - https://discord.gg/b8DmxFK
Another channel offering self promotion and networking, ran by @beanz, one of the most active and involved women on the platform.
Other specialized services - if you have what it takes
Groups in which original articles, correctly and completely documented will receive the community support, manifested in large votes and which can offer a specific audience for you blog. Each has its own rules to assure the quality of the promoted content, but if you are willing to invest a little more work in your blog, they will make it worth your time.
Science - @SteemSTEM, @Curie, @Geopolis, @utopian-io
Visit everyone, read, ask questions and register (where that is the case). The truth is, that for a newbie there are oportunities to generate a minimum of rewards, and a little time spent extra for daily promotion can have a real success, not only on the promoted posts, but to the entire account through follower increase. Goodluck!
Romanian: Ghid pentru incepatori - cum sa iti asiguri o rasplata minima pentru articole
Probabil ca toti am fost in aceeasi situatie, imediat dupa ce ne-am logat prima data pe Steemit. Am scris un articol, am dat post si apoi am inceput sa dam refresh din minut in minut, asteptand sa vina voturile. Desigur, ceea ce nu spune Steemit sau ceea ce nu se vede initial, atunci cand te uiti la ceilalti, este cat timp a fost investit in cresterea retelei (a numarului de followeri) si cat s-a muncit dupa scrierea articolului, pentru promovare.
@steemromania desigur ca ajuta, practic oricine poate scrie un text coerent va fi votat, mai mult sau mai putin, in functie de o gramada de factori, printre care si implicarea in comunitate sau in urma imbunatatirii vizibile a calitatii articolelor sau a utilitatii celor relatate in articol.
Dar pentru un utilizator nou, informatiile astea nu vin asa de usor. El este bombardat cu o gramada de termeni noi, de mecanici de votare, de curare, de publicare, asa incat este ametit. Nu ii spune nimeni lucrurile pe care trebuie sa le faca pentru a beneficia la maxim de crestere in perioada cat inca invata cum merge sistemul.
Cel mai important lucru de stiut este ca Steemit iti da posibilitatea de a-ti face propriile conexiuni. Nu ar ajuta pe nimeni daca toti ar urmari pe toata lumea, ar fi foarte greu de gasit ceva util pentru tine ca persoana.
Cei 5 pasi de baza pentru cresterea rapida a contului
- Scrie un articol calitativ, coerent si incearca sa-l formatezi. Adauga titluri, subtitluri, liste, fotografii
- Alege-ti tagurile(categoriile) in care postezi. Asta ii ajuta pe altii sa ajunga la articolele tale
- Viziteaza tagurile alese si comenteaza autorilor din pagina de trending. Oameni care scriu despre acelasi lucru ca si tine, dar care au reputatie mare sau care sunt rasplatiti bine si au vizibilitate. Incearca sa completezi articolul lor si incearca sa relationezi cu ei, sau cu cititorii lor. Nu reclama ieftina, dar incearca sa ai o prezenta acolo.
- Promoveaza-ti articolul pe diverse grupuri de promovare.
- Intra pe grupurile mari de Discord si initiaza o discutie pe tema pe care ai scris articolul, vezi cine este interesat si relationeaza cu persoanele respective.
Nu uita sa dedici suficient timp fiecarei etape. Daca ai scris articolul in 30 minute iti trebuie alte 30 minute ca sa citesti cateva articole din tagurile in care ai publicat si sa incerci sa comentezi util macar la 1-2 dintre ele. Apoi iti trebuie alte 30 minute ca sa promovezi articolul, si probabil chiar mai mult pentru a purta o discutie constructiva pe subiectul tau cu cineva sau cu un grup de persoane pe un canal de Discord. Mult timp pentru a garanta iesirea din anonimitatea celor 0$ inca din primele posturi, nu?
Exista servicii care asigura postarilor tale o rasplata minima, ce garanteaza un minim de 1$, daca nu chiar mai mult, cu efort minim.
Desigur nu vorbim de boti. Vorbim despre o crestere organica pana la urma, bazata pe ceva real.
- PAL - Minnow Support Project - https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw
48 oreGrup dedicat nou venitilor, cere inregistrare pe #registration - $register *steemusername* ($register alexdory in cazul meu). O sa va ceara sa transferati 0.001 Steem sau SBD catre contul @msp-reg si un identificator unic ca memo, pe care vi-l da la inregistrare. Dureaza 30 secunde toata procedura si se face o singura data. Apoi la fiecare se poate cere un vot pe un link de articol. In canalul de #upvote se tasteaza $upvote link (cel care incepe cu http..). Un mesaj de confirmare apare. Uneori botul de votare este inactiv, cititi inainte sa tastati comanda, uneori toti tasteaza ca chiorii ore intregi desi botul este inactiv.
- Qurator - https://discord.gg/dhV3Kmq
aiciCere inregistrare ce poate fi facuta pe #pp-registration sub comanda *reg username (*reg alexdory in cazul meu). Se trimit 4 STEEM catre @qurator. In fiecare zi Qurator va vota o postare de-a voastra si in anumite conditii puterea de votare se poate creste. Mai multe detalii , T5 inseamna o putere mai mare ca T4 si tot asa. Se face instant si apoi in plus se poate accesa canalul #postpromotion, de unde se pot obtine voturi si de la ceilalti utilizatori. Este necesar sa votati si sa comentati unui alt autor (pe steemit) si sa-l mentionati in acelasi mesaj in care oferiti linkul vostru. De exemplu @alexdory - linkul vostru aici. Limita este de un articol pe zi.
- @TheSteemEngine - https://discord.gg/JehnBaW/
Un server popular, ce ofera relationare si audienta destul de mare. Ca sa deveniti membri, se completeaza formularul acesta. Articolele bune sunt votate de contul grupului care are o putere de 0.8$. Este canalul meu preferat, in afara de SteemRomania, fiind unul dintre cele mai active si deschise canale.
- @BuddyUP - https://discord.gg/
Un alt server de promovare si relationare, oameni foarte prietenosi si deschisi la subiecte din toate categoriile.
- Steemit Ramble - https://discord.gg/RcgtFUu
Un canal unde utilizatorilor li se ofera in fiecare joi sfaturi in legatura cu aspectul vizual al postarilor, intr-un fel de emisiune radio live. Creatorul, @ShadowsPub, este o persoana foarte deschisa si interesata de viitorul Steem-ului si al platformei in general.
- Steem Basic Income - https://discordapp.com/invite/fpSnkFM
Este un serviciu prin care sponsorizezi o alta persoana trimitand 1 Steem la @steembasicincome impreuna cu un memo cu numele persoanei pe care o sponsorizezi si fiecare primiti cate 1 actiune la ei. Mai multe persoane sponsorizate inseamna mai multe actiuni, care se traduc in voturi ale articolelor postate de voi.
- Voices of 7he Underground - https://discord.gg/b8DmxFK
Un alt canal unde se ofera promovare, condus de @beanz, o femeie foarte implicata in viata platformei.
Alte grupuri si servicii
Grupuri in care articolele originale, cu surse, documentate corect si complet vor primi suportul comunitatii care se poate manifesta in voturi foarte mari si care pot oferi o audienta specifica. Fiecare functioneaza dupa propriile reguli pentru a garanta calitatea votarii.
Stiinta - @SteemSTEM, @Curie, @Geopolis, @utopian-io
Vizitati-i pe toti, cititi, puneti intrebari si inregistrati-va (acolo unde este cazul). Cert este ca pentru un nou venit, oportunitati exista pentru a genera un minim de venit, iar putin timp dedicat in fiecare zi pentru promovare poate avea un succes nu doar asupra postarii promovate, ci intreg contului prin asigurarea de followeri. Succes!

Definitely a great article, I have been on a while, but need to be more active
Super articol, îți spun sincer că nu știu când găsești timp să faci toate astea. Tu mai și dormi din când în când 😲?
Totuși, nu este și o varianta in care nu trebuie să muncim atât pentru un venit minim 😅? Eu vreau venit maxim, pentru asta ce trebuie să fac? 😂
Sa te inscrii peste tot si sa comentezi la toti :)
ce bine mi-ar fi prins articolul asta cand eram la inceput :)
Stiu, inca poate ajuta destul de multa lume..
Sper sa citeasca cei noi, daca vor fi doar in cautare de contest-uri si challenge-uri s-ar putea sa piarda.
This is an excellent survival guide for the newbies. I'm still surprised there is not too many people from our part of the world.
They will come once the platform matures itself and news of its existence reaches them..
Yugoslavian people are in the constant "scam alert" mode combined with the "ït's worth nothing" mode. The only solution would be to get a Lambo...
It's the same here :D
But some people see beyond it. I am not sure myself it's not going to crumble but having the tools to help others in my hands is something that I am not going to let go, even fi temporary.
excellent instruction for new comers.
Thanks a lot! If they would follow only half of what I said they would still be good!
Foarte bun gidul. Felicitari si succes .
Definitely a nice guide for the minnows. Most of the people are not aware about community engagement. Very nice compilation.
Thanks! This is my job here, to raise awareness about the engagement and to educate others.
And I hope to do even more :P
Bun articolul şi necesar, dar trebuie să mărturisesc că deşi e scris cît se poate de clar, chiar şi aşa sînt destul de mulţi termeni care îi ameţesc pe nou veniţi, mai ales dacă nu ştiu nici o cireaşă de engleză, că boabă e prea banal, uzual şi uzitat !... Iar indicaţiile date mănîncă mult timp şi apare întrebarea firească : oare merită efortul ?...Nu e cam multă alergătură pentru puţin folos ?...Zic şi eu, nu dau cu varul ( în loc de par ) !
Exista si varianta in romana a ghidului. Cum eu am mai multi cititori in engleza am decis sa scriu in ambele limbi.
In ghid vorbesc despre o finantare a macar unui articol pe zi cu 1$, dar instrumentele date de mine pot produce chiar si 20-30$ pe articol intr-o prima etapa.
Hai sa luam o varianta minima:
20 articole pe luna * 2 SBD din care 1.2 SBD sunt ai autorului = 24 SBD * 3.5 SBD pe USD = 84 USD = 327 LEI
Pentru prima luna mi se pare bine! Cat ar fi cineva dispus sa munceasca pt 327 lei in ore? Este totusi un salariu comparativ cu un part-time!
Thanks man. This is really an useful guideline for new users like me. Specially the communities list and their links, its much helpful for someone who is trying to improve his engagement and contribution to the platform.
Thanks a lot!
We all want to grow so why not do it by using a proved method :D
Foarte adevarat si folositor...am intrat si eu acum in 2 noi grupuri de Discord, multumesc!
Cu placere, imi place ca ai fost proactiva si te-ai adaptat inca de prima oara cand am pomenit de TheSteemEngine :D
In fond asta este succesul, sa nu lasi oportunitatile sa treaca pe langa tine!
Mor cand vad oameni care se tem sa nu cumva sa munceasca 2 ore si sa nu fie platiti. Mai bine nu ar incerca nimic niciodata decat sa munceasca 2 ore pe degeaba.
S-a intamplat sa lucrez si mai mult...caci am site-ul pe care il updatez plus steemit-ul...si ce sa vezi se mai intampla sa pierd ce scriu ca fac prostii de oboseala :)) Nu conteaza daca vad 1SBD ca reward, conteaza multe altele..inceputul meureu e greoi si am rabdare. ms inca o data! T
Ma bucur ca am descoperit ghidul tau, ma voi alatura si eu grupurilor recomandate de tine. Succes!
Wow, one of the most complete guides I've seen for newcomers on how to build visibility on subjects of your own interest and guarantee a minimum income! Awesome, @alexdory!