Great read, clear and concise! I've personally found inherent value by participating here on #steemit platform blogging/sharing. I literally had a dream, woke up plane as day hearing in my voice, buy a lite coin! I didn't even know what that was, I went down the rabbit hole in Fall of 2017 and watched every youtube, website info channel, history cyber phunks documentary you name it. Decided to buy into bitcoin and some others and see if I could actually use it. Day trading etc. wasn't for me, but then I found Steemit and converted bitcoin etc. The challenge of creating content, a blog, photo editing etc. has changed my life and within that has certain hidden value that I cherish, especially the "discord" platforms. These are crucial in my opinion keeping this platform robust/healthy. I still have a lot to learn, working on the camera stuffs and how to use all these new apps associated and built on top of that inherent community value.. I love the real value cyrpto has brought to the impoverished nations and that they may thrive and overcome dictatorships/oppression etc.
May crypto currencies bring forth THE GOLDEN AGE!!!! IT"S A DONE DEAL!!!!! (Where the playing game of value of any commodity isn't quite as rigged.)
This is also the value that the steem blockchain brought into my life. All the content I created here helped me manage my thoughts and gave me a community context in which to unfold.
Do you have any cypherpunk documentary to recommend? I think I only watched the discussion on the Julian Assange show.
okay, I'm looking all over for it, there's random stuffs, it might take me a minute, they might have pulled it, watched it 2 years ago... thought it was a frontline thang on history of bitcoin and then they went into detailed origin stories of Assange and the phunks.. his series stuff is prolly the best anyway.. mmmmm get back atcha if I find it.
Okay I think it was this
Thank you for the link. I hope I have time soon to watch :)