Part of the long term vision for SteemSavvy is to get new Steemians on the blockchain for the long term.
Meaning, we aren't trying to attract new people that will give up in a month because STEEM doesn't moonshot to 8 bucks a token..
We're looking for contributing members of the community and people that see the massive potential for not only a thriving blockchain. But also an exciting social media platform to grow along side with.
And to do that...We need to 'hook' people and get them excited to learn and grow daily.
Part of our game plan to do that at SteemSavvy is to use elements of gamification within our training in the form of badges and other digital rewards!
We already went over the SBI Angels initiative to grow members on our Discord community, but what about inside the training?
For almost a decade, I've used badges and digital rewards inside my 'off-chain businesses' with great success.
At first you may ask...
"Who cares about these silly little icons and trinkets? No one will do the extra work to receive them?"
That's the secret of gamification when you layer a 'game of hide and seek' on top of an educational platform.
People LEARN and are rewarded while progressing through the training!
And what kind of tasks do they need to complete to get rewarded with a badge?
That's the fun part of it...You have to go through the training to find out!
But here's a few examples...
Here's an example of the Steem Basics badge that members receive for completing the entire Steem Basics module.
Another badge example, in which members must refer one new SteemSavvy member to the site to unlock this.
This is a badge that members can unlock by creating their own welcome video to SteemSavvy!
As you can see, these are awarded by DOING....Not just clicking a link or two!
I believe that we will learn so much more on our journey here on STEEM when we take action daily. And that's the main goal of the badges here at SteemSavvy...We must learn by doing!
The more we do, the more comfortable we get...And that translates into active and engaging members of the Steem community!
Be sure to join SteemSavvy now to start collecting your badges and we'll be working on developing ways for you to start showing them off to the world :)
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/steemsavvy-101-badges-we-dont-need-no-stinkin-badges/
People just like to be recognized. It is a way to see progress. Keep it up!
yup. for sure. i know i get hooked trying to reach the next level and find new badges lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey friend! Id be happy to draw up some extra badges for you as an experimental project if you need it. Let me know :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
oh wow. that would be awesome. are you on discord? we could connect there.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Im not on discord enough to call it a reliable method of contact for me. What about telegram? If not, there's good old fashioned email 😭
I like badges. It's a fun way to show progress and even show it off to others (your progress/skills etc.).
It can be a great way to boost activity, or at least keep people interested, while the economic incentives are low for now.
I see you've added more stuff to SteemSavvy. It's time for me to login again and have some fun. I'll do it today for sure.
yessir. always gonna be adding new things. gotta keep people on their toes lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Badges awards folks for taking action, and sometimes folks need a little incentive to push them along for there own good.
Posted using Partiko iOS
yessir. it’s a carrot stick. and a fun way to learn by doing.
Posted using Partiko iOS
For some reason, when I read "carrot stick", I thought of the carrots you used to speed up epona on ocarina of time. Lol totally irrelevant.
Posted using Partiko iOS
It's always great to see your progress in development displayed by badges. I like them and it motivates to get more.
thanks man. yes that’s the best part about badges. we always wanna search and find more :) in the process we learn by doing.
Posted using Partiko iOS
@jongolson, SteemSavvy is a wonderful initiative you've undertaken! I found you while alpha testing the @appics app, and now I'm signed up. I'm less than a month in on the Steem blockchain and I can't put into words how impressed I am by the amount of effort that the community is putting into making this rebooted social media work.
I'm truly looking forward to engaging with the SteemSavvy project so I can grow into a more valuable community member!
Thanks for your efforts to help us all grow!
Posted using Partiko Android
awesome. so honored to have you onboard!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Just finished STEEM Basics, wonderfully put together! I'm curious, do you have a background in eLearning? Because if you don't, and this is your first go at it, you've certainly found your calling!
Posted using Partiko Android