¡¿¡What this Guy thinks about...!?! 33% Upvote Reward...One Day...

in #steemschools7 years ago (edited)

This guy, @dobartim has a lot of ideas, thoughts and calls for action.

What does @dobartim thinks off ? The one that guess has 33% Upvote...Explain better...


Conclusion: Thinking is Start of An Action...


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ay friend caray, you make it difficult hahahaha let's see if it's right, Our friend @dobartim, is talking about an idea that has a new project in mind and wants you to participate with it, this project will benefit many people

Yes, You are closest to the answer....Thinking of the Project with new crypto coin and the specialist for doing crypto coins and well knower of Blockchain...

gracias @tatjanastan, eres genial

@tatjanastan, @dobartim is reminiscing on the books he has read and how he can put the principles into practice to help improve and impact more lives on steemit

Very good conclusion not that...

Food... you said thinking is start of an action and that looks like an eatery where you want to eat.. lol

Not exactly...

Piensa en una nueva y bella poesia, en un concurso para ayudar al mas necesitado, jajájája piensa que el amigo sentado lado esta loco que le falta un tornillo,@tatjanastan


Hola amiga @tatjanastan, gracias por su apoyo, por favor ahora le toca responder en que pensaba dobartim, para saber lo que el pensaba en ese momento, jajaja pura curiosidad, cariños y besos.

Jajaja creo que mandaba un mensaje por telepatia.

having yammy and his favorite food i guess may be he is calling someone mental though!

Nope still he has excellent mental power...

Hello friend @tatjanastan, the teacher @dobartín is thinking about how to found Steemit School in Venezuela to help people get out of the economic and social crisis.

This is excellent...but not...

He is thinking about a new trip, with friends, or what they will do in the rest of the day. The adventure can be in a place they have not visited before and he thinks it is a brilliant idea to go there.

@tatjanastan I believe @dobartim is thinking that food is good for the brain. It helps you concentrate on your next big idea and he obviously has one brewing. He is thinking of how excited he is about his new adventure and ways he can get everyone in the world involved! He is also thinking how to make this idea into an action by the way you made this photo into movement. :)

Op, Nope...

Piensa en lo delicioso del almuerzo y que se dejó la billetera en casa y no va a poder pagar. ;)

No, eso no esta cerca...

he is thinking about his next poem am pretty sure since he is done with his lunch . @dorbatium loves to write and usually we think about what we love most

Original answer...But it is not...

It's a fake thinking.... his expression says easily........ it's just a pose for pic.

He is thinking about what else should he order?