Mantis Being - An Intergalactic Journey

in #steemshop7 years ago (edited)

Feeling Less Inclined to Write recently,

I have been inspired to do other things such as draw pictures and do physical practices. What follows is the story of a drawing that I have done, and the sphere of inquiry which inspired me. Here's the finished drawing, done on grid paper. I call it 'Mantis Being'.

'business' details at the bottom ;)


The Inspiration

Lately I have been enjoying watching videos about 'experiencees' and people who have supposedly connected to Extra Dimensional beings. I find this area of inquiry to be very fascinating. I have enjoyed videos from a YouTube channel called:

Interview with E.D.

On this channel, the friendly host interviews many people who channel and contact Extra Terrestrials and Extra Dimensional beings.


Before I go any further, let me clarify my take on the Extra Terrestrial thing.

I feel that everyone has their own individual experience of life, what is true in our experience may be different for another person. One of the most important aspects of life, in my experience - is how we connect to our intuitive nature which some people would call their spiritual selves. There could be any number of terms for this. Just simply subconscious, or even super consciousness. The inner guru, our energetic sense of things, the basic life force which shapes and guides all things.

In my experience discovering this particular thing (however we want to talk about it) has been an incredibly important and miraculous discovery.

For me the Extra Terrestrial take on things, is an understandable way for us to frame dimensions and forms of consciousness beyond our linear understanding. Some cultures have talked about gods, deities, angels, and all kinds of things. The familiar thing in all of these stories is that these beings are energetic in nature, and are incredibly benevolent and loving - evoking a powerful emotional response. This is just the same as talking to a Hindu Diety or being touched by an Angel. It's a lens to understand how we interact with things beyond the scope of what we can expect or understand. It's a way to contact the divine.


So I respect these people who have had experiences, and I watch without much pre concieved ideas about what should be. I admit that I am highly attracted to the idea that races of spiritually and technologically advanced beings exist, just beyond the realm of our '3d' perceptions. Visible to some through various means - they seek to help us expand and grow our consciousness and become one of many intergalactic species.

I like this idea a lot, and on some level it rings true for me - and with such a large number of people having these experiences it would be closed minded of me to discount this as a possible and probable reality, happening in our collective consciousness.

I have had some visions of Extra Terrestial like beings, once whilst I was with the San Pedro medicine, and another time sober during a shamanic drumming session. These were glimpses, there were no words exchanged - and due to the dream or trip like quality I was experiencing I could discount this if I wanted to. I like the idea of 'star seeds' - but I don't claim to be one. I think this idea could easily be misused by the ego. From what I have gathered we are all 'star seeds' - in that our race has pieces and parts from many galactic ancestors.

I think in this way it's a bit like astrology - we each have a certain personality or resonance which will help us unravel our true essence. And contacting and engaging with particular inter dimensional beings of a particular kind might be just what each of us need. A person might resonate with humanoid Cat people, or Reptile beings, others still might have a conversation with blue skinned humanoids. They are energies and archetypes - for me opening to more kinds of energies is always a good thing, especially if they are 'high vibrations' and are the kind that actively engages and speaks to us.


Another thing that I enjoy is that the E.T. phenomenon has a distinctly spiritual component to it. The beings encountered mostly say the same things - things about love and unity, healing, and awakening humanity. They are far ahead of us on the spectrum from division to oneness, and in some way act as guides. The want to reveal more to us about our nature as beings, yet there is a gap in perception which can make things difficult to convey.

Yes definitely people have fearful E.T. experiences. In my understanding this is just the same as the powerful experiences we can have through taking plant medicines, or doing intense Sadhana (spiritual practices). Connect to powerful energies will bring up the darkness and the fear inside us and make us confront it, transmute it, and let it go. So I don't buy too much into fearful abduction experiences, because I know there is a whole spectrum of consciousness. Sometimes we need to go through that fear and terror to connect with something amazing. This has been true in my experience.

So this is my thoughts on Extra Terrestrials, and Extra Dimensional beings. They have a lot of freedom, and seem to have a lot in common with spiritual masters - in their ability to travel and dematerialize, and their profound wisdom about life. So it's something I am continuing to look into because it truly fascinates and inspires me.


My drawing came about after watching an interview on the 'Interview with E.D.' YouTube channel about Mantis beings. The two folks interviewed claimed to have a Hybrid DNA, and had been living through very many contact experiences - to the point of having mostly integrated it into their lives.

I enjoy Mantises as an animal, and they resonate with the martial arts practices I do. So feeling all of these things, I intuitively did the drawing, and I think it says something.

I want to put this drawing up on offer, because I really like the idea of placing it into an envelope and sending it somewhere else in the world. I will give it an official 'PhillyC' stamp to declare it's authenticity. I had the stamp made for a painting exhibition I did a while back - marking the back of each piece with it.


I think 3.3 STEEM sounds like a reasonable price, postage inclusive. If this is too steep for you then just make me an offer :)

Leave a comment or message me on Discord (PhillyC#0579).

I would also love to hear what everyone thinks about this topic in general, and have you had communications and experiences with inter dimensional beings?


my banner.jpg



This is great! Thanks for using our tag.

All you have to do is include this infogram with your post and you will be resteemed into @steemshop


Thanks for the info! I have included the infrographic - and am now aware of the process. I was kind of just experimenting to see what would happen :P And now I am excited to become more involved in steemshop.

Your art is very unique and a great asset to the marketplace.

Thanks for including the infogram and welcome to @steemshop

Super interesting thanks for sharing - I'm told in the USA they're called Mantis and in the UK they refer to them as Mantoids and the Aborigine's in Australia call them Manta beings.

That's quite interesting! I have heard that the Australian Aboroginals have a long standing connection with many star nations. That's not so far away from me, I am just 3-4 hour flight away in New Zealand :)

I would like to know more about what you know of Extra Dimensional beings! Maybe in your next post!?

I'm going to do a post in near future about multiple dimensions and some of the galactic being that I know about - but it's so difficult to find good info, especially about multi-dimensional beings but there are some sources.
Something I can suggest reading and checking out is Keylontic science also known as the 'freedom teachings' and the material from Ashayana Deane and book called 'The Secrets of Amenti' which details why this stuff matters!

I actually have a copy of that book, and have read a portion of it. Synchonicity! I stopped reading it, my feeling at the time was that it suggests a reasonably linear version of 'this is how it is' where in my heart I seem to be opening up to a more multi-dimensional or 'not-knowing' view of things.

That doesn't detract from the material though, it's incredibly inspiring and necessary in my opinion. If there was a more common knowledge of our vast history and intergalactic heritage then a lot of doors might be opened.

I look forward to your writing!

So we know there are billions of beings alive in the galaxy and that we're made up of 12 strand DNA - which means that we're a hybrid race of the most sophisticated kind made up of at least 12 DNA donations from various alien species. We're really quite remarkable because we are like a hybrid of fishes, reptiles, birds, homonids and humanoids all mixed up into a coherent package called humans. We have also inherited special gifts from each of these races of beings like psychic faculties & telepathy, critical thinking and adapting to circumstances and a bunch of physical traits like being able to swim, run and climb etc. But the real question is which of these advanced alien civilization has long time influence and history here on planet earth and have strong and close ties to various people and in fact have accelerated their breeding programs with humans and have major clout and control of geopolitics and what happens here on our planet now. So there are various competing alien agendas here on planet Earth and most of us are aware of the reptilians and their push for fascist control but there are 3 or 4 main players here all competing in a great game.
So what I thought was interesting to get a handle of how our star families genetic links to humans came about was when I watched Dan Winters: The Galactic History of DNA - so check that out and then I also got some very interesting scientific information and research from Mary Rodwell who has a bunch of super interesting information about this from the point of view of various experiencers from around the world, possibly check out her talk called Transformation.Super synchronistic @phillyc can't wait to see more of your writing and pictures too! So studying the ancient teachings of various cultures open up this topic piece-by-piece - so all of us peoples and tribes each hold different keys to unlocking these mysteries.

Thanks for your response! Yes I get excited thinking and speculating about this whole big game. I will definitely check out Mary, and have listened to Dan winter in the past - he is great. Quite technical for my tastes, but kooky enough to keep me interested. There's a guy called Arcturus Ra, who is trying to bridge this scientific and spiritual/esoteric gap - it's people like Ra and Dan winter who represent an amazing possibility for us to reconcile skepticism and Scientism by 'proving' spiritual phenomenon ☺

I know Arcturus Ra also and these new grouping like his and other from Sirius, the Pleiades and Orion star systems - lol - it is pretty small community of people looking at all these connections to get holistic world view and deeper understanding of consciousness, obviously the smaller more awesome and smarter people of the population.

I enjoy reading your posts. Me and my bf had several encounters with ET's. Mostly sober, one time on ayahuasca, one time on mushrooms. Very special encounters. The first times we freaked out, ha, ha... afraid of the unknown. And I am about to go to my ayahuasca ceremony this afternoon. Sooo... I am very curious what beings or spirits I am gonna meet this time apart from La Madre. Wish me luck! 😂🍀💚 And I hope you sell your beautiful drawing.

It makes me happy that you enjoy my posts 😄 I like where you are coming from, honest and real. I read your post on alcohol - used to drink a lot but now not at all. I would also like to do an aya ceremony, and am starting to make a plan to go to Peru next year to the Temple of the Way of Light.

Good luck for your ceremony! Much Love and Blessings ✰❤ I feel sure that these beings will bring you exactly what you need,

Aaaawwwwww... Thank you so much. I hear this all the time. That's the only way for me: being pure, being authentic.
Peru... You are so lucky. I'd like to travel to Peru some day. And I know I will. To do ayahuasca and other beautiful initiations from the Q'eros. Straight from the source. And ofcourse to be close to the beautiful nature.
That's so brave you stopped drinking. I should too knowing it's not good for me and addiction runs in the family. Fortunately, I am not addicted and can enjoy a good glass of wine now and then.
Thanks for your wishes. I am starting to get nervous. 20 th ceremony. But still... and I know by know I will receive what I need and I will get what I can handle. Much love and blessings to you too! 🙏💖✨