If you have genuinely RAW powder (which ours is) then the golden rule is keep it RAW! Avoid too much "hot" in the hot chocolate... excessive heat, over excessive time, de-natures the tryptophan availability, "kills the goodness", basically... so aim for lets say; "warm chocolate" -adding the powder after your almond/soy/coconut/oat-milk etc.
Sprinkle on porridge, add to banana smoothies, the options are endless. If you wanna go hardcore, buy the RAW BEANS! Beans will be much more potent, due to much less processing, they are literally able to grow a chocolate tree! I love to have magic beans in my pockets just in case there's a beanstalk & I don't have any energy --not so easy with the powder, although why not make a quick powder-choc-drink, sure, whatever suits you.
Ultimately, aim to get familiar both bean & raw-powder, to give you a deeper sense of the jungle magic's history. I've read books & books on this, and will share more as we progress.
Yes share more articles on that please! Or even videos. I don't think you can eat cocoa beans just like dates or so - so I need more education ;)
You can eat cacao beans like you can eat peanuts, or dates..... but expect to have a very different day! The best education, is DO-ing it.
Ha ha, yes I have yet to parttake in a cacao ceremony