A nice fatty


While at the local shop I picked up this nice 2 oz black bull of Clarence, when I got home and inspected the coin I felt cheated seemed to be a bit small for a 2 oz coin but then again it is a lot thicker, I can't say I'm a big fan of this stubby format but the coin it self have a beautiful design, I really wanted to get a Unicorn one but it was 20 dollars more than this one so I decided not to go for it, I really like to stick to the spot price as much as possible



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I think these thicker coins are pretty cool. :o)

Its different but sort of makes it seem like its lighter than it actually is due to the shape

i love this series, i think i have collected all of them

nice what size do you have them in ?

I love the Queen's Beast 2 oz silver series. How I wish I could afford and started with the 1/4 oz gold collection! Great pickup, my friend @bitcoinman.

I feel you Gold is hella expensive

I've been giving one of this series to my niece and nephew for every Christmas/birthday. As soon as they stop minting a coin, it seems to jump up in value. https://www.coininvest.com/en/silver-coins/queens-beasts/#?fine_weight=2oz&grouping=none

Well I hope it helps the resale value some day lol , I just got the 10 oz unicorn and hope to find the dragon but if its going to be way over spot I will not go for it