The Gold and Silver Countdown has started (steemit)

in #steemsilvergold8 years ago (edited)

The Gold and Silver countdown has started – I believe we are in the very last weeks or months of this crazy Gold and Silver manipulation, the strange thing is, I hope the manipulators continue suppressing the price for as long as possible.

It will enable me and many others to get in at these bargain basement prices.

Since I have diversified into crypto currency, I have overcome all ill feeling towards the price manipulators.

In fact, I do feel sorry for them, because I wouldn't do their job even if you paid me vast sums of money.

Stress, sweating your ass off, battling all day every day to keep the prices down, being in constant fear for the trigger that will send the prices out of manipulation range and you can be sure that any promotion would mean inevitable prison or eventual suicide, No thanks.

The Irony is, I believe if it was just Silver manipulation, the powers that be, could easily keep this charade up for at least another year because I think there is still enough aboveground Silver reserves to continue this game for a little longer.

The problem for the manipulators is Gold; Gold is the canary in the coal mine. You see I believe Gold will be the straw that breaks the manipulators back. Why I say this is because of the size and price of the gold market, the players involved and the fact there is less available aboveground gold in western hands to sell at such cheap prices.

You see the difference between Gold and Silver is the impact of non-delivery, if a company or individual is waiting for a few tonnes of silver. And the delivery is late; they are told to 'Wait' – End of – if this goes on for longer than expected, the Silver will eventually get sourced from somewhere.
Remember about 60% of Silver is used for industry, so there is a lot of silver coinage, bullion and scrap to pull from, to fill the gaps in supply.
If the same scenario happened with a few tonnes of gold, it becomes a very tricky proposition to tell these types of people to wait, because the amount of money involved is huge, I know if push comes to shove many of these individuals and companies will settle for a fiat paper refund. However, there will also be those that will not take anything less than the real thing. It is these said people who can do irreversible damage to the structure of our fantastical fed run financial system.

No disrespect to Silver but those who buy tonnes of Gold are in a different league than those who buy tonnes of Silver – Silver is what I would call the Off Limits metal (Hunt brothers, Warren Buffet, etc.)
Gold isn't off limits, so make no mistake Big Gold Buyers are Big Players, and more often than not are highly resourceful and very powerful. In the past, those behind the Gold manipulation would source gold from somewhere to ensure these types of big hitters get their Gold, do you remember Gadhafi's and Ukraine's Gold. I wonder where that went? It was used to cover some big player's positions.

The thing with Gold unlike Silver, about 90% percent of it is destined for cold storage to collect dust, so whenever Gold becomes slightly scarce, those who control the market manipulation, have to borrow(Re-hypothecate) or steal it from somewhere. Because those who are currently holding most of the Gold have no intention of selling it, so sourcing it becomes incredibly hard. Also to have a seat at the table of this game, you have to have Gold, so far the powers behind the gold manipulation have been able to come up with the Gold, but it wont be for long, at these ridiculously low prices.

With Crypto-currencies starting to take a shot at the moon, a lot of people have taken their eyes off Gold.

Please Keep your eye on Gold, because any significant movements in price action in the metals market will happen first with Gold, why I say this is because every country and all the big players are buying Gold at these bargain basement prices and with The Sharia gold standard now approved by The world Gold Council, the demand for Gold will exponentially increase with millions of physical gold investors flooding the market from the Islamic world. And with physical Gold demand growing by the day, those behind the price manipulation are very close to the cliff's edge.

The paper gold market and the physical gold market have two different customer bases, those in the physical market know exactly how to play the market to ensure they get their physical gold at theses discount prices.

I recently listened to an interview on King World News with Andrew Maguire, in the interview he states that sovereigns, institutional physical buyers and central banks are capitalising on these divergent buy windows to accumulate large purchases of physical gold, and with this type of velocity coming into the physical gold markets, it won't take much to give the gold paper market a good shakedown, also he said to keep your eye open for big purchase orders over the summer.

Because one or two big buy orders will force the price of Gold above all support lines.

This information suggests we are in the calm before the storm, so I Implore anyone reading this if you are all good with crypto-currency leave them, focus on getting your hands on physical gold and silver because the countdown has begun, once gold moves up it will bring silver along with it, and once the support lines are broken, the manipulation game is over.

This is how close we are, once Gold breaks $1350 and Silver $25 there is no turning back – the prices will start making upward flashes, I can see Gold quickly moving above $3000, and silver above $150, at this point you will not want to sell your metal, because the prices will keep flashing in upward amounts, until the prices eventually stabilize.
What the price will be at that point, is any ones guess it would probably reflect the current U.S debt clock prices, one thing is for certain is we will be living in a different world, especially for those who have Silver and Gold.

Personally, I don't buy into an apocalypse type scenario although it is very likely for those who haven't been paying attention and haven't been investing in Gold, Silver or certain Crypto currencies.

When you are next purchasing either gold or silver, imagine within a year an extra zero being added to that gold price, and two extra zeros to that silver price.

Live Long And Prosper

I Hope you Enjoyed - Steemit


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Thank you @blackrussian


I have been stacking for nearly 4 years now and have lost $$$ overall, being out of work now a year I cannot hold on to what I have any longer. I am forced to pawn as many ounces as possible this coming Tuesday in order to make July rent. It will be at least a 40% loss - I simply and sadly cannot hold onto it any longer.

Sorry to hear that lanceman. Anything else you could sell instead of your stack? We really are getting to the end of this road. soon.

I decided to hold ALL of my silver (thankfully!). I am only unloading ten 1/10th oz gold maples (1 oz gold total) and that will get me through August & to the next paycheck. APMEX will buy it back at pretty much a break even price. I appreciate all the support from you guys in this post - thanks! Stack On / STEEM On !!

sorry to hear that. I will not sell my stack for rent. Have no problems being homeless. Been there done that.

Very sad story.

It will turn around @lunix ! I will hold on to my graded beines (Ben Franklin Halves) and have investment jewelry so if the central banks' peg breaks and true value is one day realized, I will be more than ok and assuredly one day score my dream home . . .

@lanceman - Do Not sell or pawn any of your stack - Don't do it, you will have to find a way, (Trust me) I know you can, you will have to, because in a few months time when you have the august rent to pay what are you going to then, and how will you feel if the price of silver has an extra zero at the end of it?

My advice to you is forget about your stack for the next few months and only focus on other ways to get your rent etc.

You can do it - I Honestly believe we are at the final stages., so Hang in there -

Will do @blackrussian - I appreciate the advice ! Stack On / STEEM On !

Funny, I agree with you about regretting the upcoming loss of control of the price. I have been accumulating as much as fast as possible with the reduced prices. I hate the thought of having to pay more and hope the supression can carry on perhaps another year. That seems to be the outside date for the end of this mess.

Thank you @ereandthere - we know its coming :-)

Hi @blackrussian, i do agree gold and silver is important but as long as the BIG banks are around they will continue to manipulate the price which we have seen. Lets see if the next coming collapse whether they are able to continue to manipulate it. Time will tell. Good read.

I got that feeling ;-)Thank you @whatsupz - I'm with you but I think the Big banks need a certain amount of physical gold to be able to manipulate the market - in the west we are all out, the smart people aren't selling.

Good post, upvoted.

Thank you - I appreciate that @ckz

one can only hope...

In the End that's all we have ;-)

I think you're right that a lot of eyes have been on the Cryptocurrencies and the focus has turned away from gold and silver - I'm expecting a black swan event very soon to make us all sit up and pay attention...

Thank you @greenstar - I'm with you - something is definitely cooking...