
Get back to work, pay your taxes and continue on as if there isn't anything wrong with the government/financial sector/health care/environment... Etc The BBC can go suck my balls. Nothing but a bunch of pedophile harbouring thieves

I got my Gold Sovereign @britcoin ! Thank you so much , check out my post! :)

If People believe that they will believe anything.

The BBC is full of shit nothing more than a propaganda tool to manipulate the masses. The same news channel told us of weapons of mass destruction. That was a blatant lie and they knew it .
They don't investigate they just put out what the puppeteers want broadcast. If anything goes against the official story regardless if its true or not. The spineless media who are bought say lets not go there.

Panis et circensis. The Romans gave bread and circus and the populace was happy. SOV.

Well it's more like they are proud of the money...


Prop poo ganda! I'll never be a sheep! Baa. Sov

You are missing the point we are slaves to the system. The bankers create money out of thin air then lend it with interest enslaving countries and people into never ending debt. While the masses slave away until they die That's living life and fair right?

That is why the countries that tell the central banks to go whistle and lend money to their people without interest, get invaded and bombed

The media puts out what the puppet masters want broadcast. Regardless if its true or not. But it must be true because it was on TV. Like a CNN news crew finding Osama bin laden and going to his secret hideout.

Therefore, either the worlds most highly funded intelligence agencies and military are as thick as a post and useless at their job. Or the media is bullshit for the sheeple to suck up. I think it's the latter.