You said it cuz.....people gonna wish they had .01 BTC in 10 years. It may pay off your house. It's a no brainer.
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You said it cuz.....people gonna wish they had .01 BTC in 10 years. It may pay off your house. It's a no brainer.
If you see this and have the time to respondHey Quick Question for Ya @broncnutz
After 2 months I just finally realized that users can still earn on posts that are over 7 days old!?!
I came across your post and it was 12 days old when I commented earlier and then it showed up in my pending payouts as a payout.
Question - does this apply to alll posts even 6 months ago? If the comment gets upvoted? And is the payout 7 days from the date of the users comment?
After all I've read about commenting, curation and posting and rewards I never once saw anything about earning still on older posts - Interesting
I am not sure. I'm actually still trying to figure things out for my self. I thought it was only the first 7 days.
Hey @broncnutz - someone just explained to me that an Upvote on your post would do nothing - after 7 days - however since I commented it is considered a new "post" by me and since you upvoted my comment (new post) it now can earn $ and will be paid out in 7 days.. Also if anyone else happens to Upvote it - unlikely but possible - I would end up eating even extra - Hope that makes sense - Good to know -Right?
That is good to know! I'm not an expert here for sure......I do have a few things figured out but still learning a lot.
I can most certainly see that you've got a lot figured out cuz! To be honest with you - I think the only STEEMIT experts are @ned and his tight tight circle and a few whales if that - even many of the STEEMIT developers are having plenty of "aha" moments and reworking their apps, and finding new tricks into this mastermind maze of inner workings designed by literal GENIUS "Ned" - How he even thought up this entire ecosystem and then coded it, made it a live platform, and let it just naturally grow with very very little marketing involved at all -
Obviously money is a major motivator in most of society - and once a few people joined in the early days - it slowly spread by word of mouth - and now its users take care of 99.5% of the marketing for STEEM. Developers & Witnesses keep it fresh, reworking the design, systems, and maintaining its integrity..
It's truly a special place and as much as I promote it to friends and family and on social media - the innate greed in me also wants to keep it a secret at times as the bigger it grows the less the earnings will become (unless the HOLD investors exceed the user growth rate)
I'm only like 8-9 weeks in I think and just as I start to think that I've figured out some parts of it - I am humbled back to scratching my head asking questions and searching for answers.
What I love most is the way that complete strangers from all over the world on here are some of the nicest most helpful, selfless people you encounter -
I think that aspect is almost embedded into the code somewhere - (the old-time users helping the 1st day users comes right back around to them in a form of STEEM karma) - if that makes sense
My account is worth less than $200 but I've helped out plenty of deserving people by giving them $ in the form of SBD or promoting their posts using my SBD wallet and didn't even realize that it's the same as handing a $1 or $5 bill to complete stranger on the street because I felt they needed it - even though I probably needed it more than them
I don't know if any of this will make sense to you but thats my thought process on STEEMIT (learning, evolving, and the magic of it all)
I'm really surprised that there aren't more platforms that mimic STEEMIT and allow people to earn money/coins as easily as people can on here -
This is an awesome reply! Man I can tell you really "get it." Steemit should go mega mega mega big. I been in BTC since 10.00 dude, I have owned every coin you can think of. Made a gozillion trades from gold/silver/BTC/ETH/Steem/alts back and forth with all of them intertwined with each other. I absolutely love Steem more than any coin I have seen because of Steemit. The utility of this token is awesome and when it really goes viral I think we see 100.00 easy.
Thanks so much for your generosity and digging the reply!! And yeah "I definitely get it" in terms of the really big picture - but "don't get all the geniuosity - lol" If that's even a word - I suppose we don't need to get that part of it as long as we understand that it is a naturally growing organic ecosystem that is fueled by the human spirit of kindness, generosity, and family.. I know you "get that" as well -
And wow!! I think you are the first person I've ever actually conversated with aside from a single reply that truly was fortunate enough to have been on the ride since $10 -
That's incredible!! And I can tell by your posts, comments and generosity that you've been able to stay humble and be true to OG BRONCNUTZ!!
And I am definitely with ya that STEEMIT should go mega-mega!! I just can't see how it can't - with all the different coins, projects, ICO's out there with teams trying to solve enormous world problems and reinvent billion dollar industries - and many are making great strides - STEEMIT is the only one that I know of that has effected the lives of everyday normal people in the US, to Venezuela, Malaysia to Russia - Allowing people barely making ends meet and puttinb food on the table - to be able to live off of STEEMIT as an income and build wealth for themselves -
@ned should be nominated for the Noble Peace Prize or some major humanitarian award!
I also agree that when it really goes viral it'll hit $100 if not more - from what I've read and seen from Ned in videos and writings - he designed STEEMIT to be able to sustain its value and earnings for its users no matter how large it gets -
If you look at all the dividends and earnings from Facebook alone that is reaped by its stockholders - which is mostly generated by content alone (its in the Billions)
I'm so excited about the new user interface that should be rolling out soon - a fresh, cleaner look for STEEMIT that makes it more enticing for new users may be just what is needed to take it to the next level...
Knowing more about your story of the $10 BTC days and having been thru it all and loving STEEM more than any of them becsause of STEEMIT makes me even more amped than I already am about it!! Thank you for sharing that tidbit with me brother!!
No kiddin' - I personally still just cannot believe the amount of well-educated, wealthy (not rich but easily have money invested elsewhere or can afford to gamble at a casino) people in my life that I've tried to recruit into the crypto community to make a small investment at least. I've been with Bitcoin since mid-2015 but didn't really try to educate family and friends until late 2016 when BTC was $700, ETH $8 and Litecoin less than ETH i believe - then every 3 months I'd show them the prices and missed gains and they still think it's "not real" or a scam.. Ummm when Apple, Mark Cuban, Plenty of Fortune 500 Companies have invested Millions and Millions into it - it's clearly not a scam.
I think that many people simply think it's now "too late" and they missed the boat and just can't comprehend that BTC will likely reach $10k, $50k, and who knows maybe even $1M a coin as the world gets more and more everyday investors.
It's easy for people like us who are educated in Bitcoin and understand "Blockchain Technology" and how it can and is already being applied to every facet of our lives - and have experienced the 500-3000% returns and lived thru the craziness of Altcoin Bursts!
I don't know Brother - All I can say is - I sure am glad Bitcoin found me when it did and even though I don't have a large bank account or savings - even $100 or $500 easily turns into $1000-$2500 in 3 months all too often - I try to purchase more BTC with every penny that I can and still be able to pay my bills and provide for my family