We'll, I tried.... I'm actually pretty happy with the result, even though it's just a blob.
Let's take a look shall we
Got everything ready? Map gas, borax, 1oz JM bar, and a RedRacer IPA. Check.
I broke the bar up a bit
Heated up the silver
Now for the problem... Again not enough heat. I'm going to try Oxy/acetylene next time I think, and probably buy a shallower crucible.
Weigh in.
There it is. It may be just a blob, but it's a blob that I made out of a perfectly good Johnson-Matthey bar.
Thanks for reading, and I'll keep trying!
Nice work fat-e! From generic to fine-art in a jiffy!!!
Thanks man, it's a true beauty! Hey, maybe a special little pirate will get a blob in the mail???
Nice Johnson Matthey blob!
Thanks. I'll try again, and hopefully actually get a pour!
It was the first time, with the wrong crucible and the wrong heater and you made a perfect blob. There is merit in it.
Thanks Ron. The great thing is, that it's worth the same as a blob or a standard JM bar.
I look forward to watching your progress as smithing has always been an interest of mine, and I think sometime in the distant future I might want to do a couple pours of my own. Choosing the Oxy/Acetylene over the MAP gas is a good decision I believe, as I find it to be more stable and easier to work with. I'm pretty sure it burns hotter too.
Thanks. Yeah acetylene burns hotter than Map. But my crucible is weird too, it's made for a kiln, but it's all I could find. Amazon should have the right stuff for me.
You killed a good bar lol. Is that a fat-elvis nugget.
Killed it good! That's the first @fat-elvis silver nugget. Ill stamp it tomorrow at work I think
All have to start somewhere. Looking forward to seeing more! Good stuff
Poor JM bar 😢 Cool blob tho! You need a ceramic crucible bro!
Lol. Stupid bar, got what it deserved, hanging out in my stack, pretending to be a vintage piece. Yeah, I'm ordering a shallow ceramic crucible from Amazon.
That's pretty cool (hot), I hope to do that someday too. I have a gathering pile of old .925 stuff waiting to be melted down into something new.
Please post when you melt it. I have a inch of sterling to melt,but I figured I'd try first with 999, as it melts easier. But I'll be melting a bunch or 925 soon I hope.
sure thing. It will be a few months before I get started, but I will definitely post the before and after pics of my .925 scrap.
It’s all good bro! All of us guys that pour have been in exactly the same spot. I congratulate you on your piece that you made! A better torch will do you better and possibly a whip and dish will also. You can buy pre glazed dishes for pouring if you are worried about trying to glaze one on Etsy. Best of luck bro, I’ll be watching ✌🏻
Thanks bro. I'll certainly be buying a different one, and trying more heat, and hopefully I can use the walnut mould I made!
Nice! You might have enough heat. Try heating your crucible sides while the silver is in it. I found that if I just pointed the flame at the silver it wouldn't get hot enough. I started heating around the sides of the silver and it melts much better. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Next time I'm trying something else, learning as I go...
The nice thing about it is you made it.. a perfect blob! You could always melt it down again, but it now has sentimental value.... a point of reference to your first endeavors into pouring silver.
Yeah, I think I'll keep it, stamp it, and not remelt. It'll be neat to have in years to come hopefully
This was pretty cool! I can’t wait for your next one!
#bloblivesmatter. Thanks man, the thing actually looks OK, but I wanted to do a wood pour. Next time I will succeed or die trying!
I just looked up the melting point of silver! Over 1700 F! That is crazy!
Did you get some tips from the Metals Mafia guys!
Nope, just givin' er a go!
Raffle your Blob,I'm in!
Maybe the next one, the first time is special, lol.
Love the blob. 😍
Does it have name? Maybe fat-blob? 😄
I am imagining a comic or a series of posts called The Adventures of fat-blob
Oh man, "adventures of a fat blob"... That takes me back to my childhood! Lol, kids are cruel... Anyway, thanks dfinney, I've enjoyed my 2 PM melts so far, can't wait till the next one.
Oh no! Not like that. That is a terrible association. 🙁 Taking that name back. In my head I pictured the blob wearing a fedora doing more Indiana Jones style adventuring. Or like a buddy adventure. Elvis and Blob in the Big City... maybe like the Hardy Boys?
Ha ha , no worries. I got a good chuckle at it. Yeah, I was a big fat fatty before. I got laughed at and teased most of my life, but I never let it get me... and I was just making a joke, I assure you I take no offense. Fat-E and the blob could make a steemit blog series!
Fantastic 👍👍👍 I like blobs. No worries brother, you’ll get it down.
Thanks man. Overall it's just super fun melting stuff, so I win no matter what! But the 2 blobs I've made are kinda special. If I poured a perfect wood pour bar right off the bat, It'd put Mr. V out of business, and I don't want that!!!