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RE: Coin Shop Quickie - 1896-O Morgan Dollar - 20180712

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

I am glad to see your coins. I am glad that you have silver. Your theory is good to read about, but it's also important to cover your bases, which includes silver. We talked about that in one of your recent posts.
Thanks for the reply here.


If you only knew how much Silver and Gold I have... lol... More than likely, I'm the Silver and Gold Guru in the Community... Trust me when I say, I'm sitting pretty... I must admit, Steemit has been a Challenge... It sure does bring me down from the Cloud I've been floating on... I do get discouraged at times... I've been at it for over a year now, and I'm at 54... It's been a very slow climb for me so far... I guess it's time for me to write another post... Have a nice day...

I have suspected that since some comments have referenced some awesome old gold coins at very high condition. I'm sure you are sitting pretty.