Liquidating your gold and silver for spending power seems like a waste unless its for the purposes of furthering an investment. Gold/silver is an investment on its own. To liquidate it to buy an item that has no appreciation value is foolish. If you're buying land let's say, by all means pay with a bucket of gold coins. If you're buying a couch ... Well in that case, the type of person who would be dumb enough to do this in the first place has no idea what an investment is.
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P.S... Gold will bring the Central Bank "Owners" down... They're buying Gold like Crazy right now, but there will come a time, when they need "Spending Power"... Guess who will be Selling their Gold for U.S. Crypto-Dollars...??? Everyone needs "Spending Power"... Even Central Bank Owners...
IN GOD "WE" TRUST THE PLAN... January 30, 2019...
Well... Gold and Silver are "Stores of Value" or call them a "Store of Spending Power"... No one is going to sell their Gold or Silver unless they need "Spending Power"... I have no Plans on selling mine, any time soon... But there are those of us who have Bills to pay... What else can you do, if all you have left is Gold and Silver, and you're Hungry and need "Spending Power"...??? I don't think you'll be taking your Gold or Silver to the Store to buy Food...