
It is hard to pick, lol. Thats your vote locked in buddy. Thank you

friggin' Commie

😁 😂 🤣

Oh no I've been outed!

lol I still voted you up

When LLR ran for president ( I was a kid) that is what I heard about him. In the last few years, I heard that name again and looked up his website, and found that a lot of his stands actually made sense. Go Figure


All good fun!

Commie bahahahha

Since I have been outed from this day forward you may call me COMRADE @HANDOFZARA.

That’s between you and @underground.

I am sorry Lyndon wasn’t available but I appreciate being your #2. ☺️

Thank you!

He is probably busy running for POTUS. Best of luck in your new role as moderator, some day I will figure out how to get on the discord.