Nice E score! I just missed a poured 10 ounce at a shop today. I like that 1974 Canadian Silver Marketing Company too, haven't seen that one!
Sold 186 ozs today to finance a bigger dream, price was right. Then picked up two haha. Can't leave empty handed.
In @jbcoin world, it's against the law to leave pink and gold rainbow toning in da junk box.
Ooooh! Me likey!
Oh and they had the most beee-yooot- iffull early, early (2 earlies) Sunshine Mint sandblasted 100 oz brick. Probably mid 70s. Flat gray, freakin brick.
I just wanted to sell my car, and walk back home with it. Explain it later.
Bah ha ha! Man I know that feeling... i have begun denominating everything in silver, e.g. bottle of whiskey = 2-3 ounces, a decent lunch for 1 = 1 ounce, new pair of badass shades = 20 ounces, etc...
I got it bad
Haha...makes you think over your purchases a little closer
I instantly do the silver to "wife's shopping trip" conversion in my head.
Yikes... that ratio is often in 1/10oz’s Au're right!