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RE: 3 Traditional Gold Price Drivers & How Crypto Disrupts Them

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

Gold and crypto have their special use cases as you mentioned.
Most people havn't realized the impact of Negative Real Interest Rates to their savings. Because of enormous debt the possibility to rise interest rates by central banks is limited.
Venezuela is not everywhere (for now).


Does negative interest also apply to loans? (I doubt it, but I've always wondered)

Good question. With negative interest rates you should get paid for your loan (not in real life)
A loan can be profitable, like for me: rate 1.3% (- inflation, accually 2%) - 30% of interest rate back from tax.

There are a lot of people who have a vested interest in NOT educating people about how inflation and interest rates work. The sheeple still think that currency is wealth and keep their life savings in the bank earning pitiful interest. Some of them will learn the hard way that currencies and assets are very different things!

I like the way you think... I'm pretty sure we'll get along very well in the Future... You're a very sensible person... You might get a kick out of reading some of my
material... Read my Post titled "100 Times Face Value"
with this picture of COIN MAN on it... You'll be glad you did...
