Tomahawks & Silver

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Much has been (and will be) made about the US airstrikes in Syria. But did you know, many estimates put the amount of silver in each Tomahawk cruise missile at around 15 kg (480 ounces) each. A lot of people find this hard to believe and the truth is nobody in the public really knows because the blueprints for a Tomahawk aren't exactly in Google (I just checked)...but this is a government contract we are talking about, not an iPhone.


Cost isn't as much of an issue as 100% up-time and 100% effective performance...why use copper components when silver increases electrical reliability and performance with only a ~2% price increase on the missile's already laughable $1 Million dollar price tag. The US used over half a billion ounces of silver back in the 1940's in Calutrons to separate out isotopes of Uranium for the Manhattan Project. So 500 oz for a missile is child's play.

Where do you think all of the silver came from in the 1980's and 1990's to suppress the price down to $4 for all those years?



I am not a fan of our recent foreign affair interventions, but that is hell of a lot of silver per missile! For the record, here is Trumps 2013 Tweet regarding Barry Obomber's Syrian airraid...what a hypocrite.


Trump basically launched 103 monster boxes of ASE's at a foreign sovereign nation on weak at best evidence of a local gas attack (which may or may not have happened, and may or may not have been perpetrated by the regime in charge). I'm not sure about war crimes, but I can sure make a case for Precious Metals abuse.


But the wheels of the Military Industrial Complex just keep turning...whether there is a Republican or Democrat in charge of the US Armed Forces, our National Offense just keeps breaking countries down and killing people with missiles and drone strikes from 1,000's of miles away with little oversight or consequences (The US Constitution has rules against this we've ignored for the last 70 years)...and we wonder why people hate us so much...well, I don't.

I am Lord @matthewwarn and I have Stackitis...but there are worse problems to have in life...


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I remember hearing the 500 oz approximation some time ago. I am curious as to why such a large amount is needed compared to other electronics - does anyone know where the silver is used in a Tomohawk?

They are bigger than they look and I’m guessing it’s not just wires and do dads...shielding from radar possibly

Some have suggested that they use silver-zinc batteries, which would explain the large consumption - not sure if they are actually used in Tomohawks, but they are common in aerospace.


I never knew that. Man that is lot of silver taken off the market never to be recovered

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Very, very interesting! That is amazing how many ounces are wasted! Awesome post!

'blueprints for a Tomahawk aren't exactly in Google (I just checked)'

' I'm not sure about war crimes, but I can sure make a case for Precious Metals abuse'

Passion and humor - two things I love in a post. You don't know buddy how much I enjoyed this post - made my day. Thanks:-)

I do what I can with what God gave me

sir @matthewwarn, really that is so pathetic. This is a shame of humanity. They are controlling the media and they are making all us foul. You are great sir. Go on. I became a fan of you sir. Best of luck

thanks for stopping by

welcome sir. You are the boss

Holy Moly. That is crazy. I never knew there was that much shiny in a damn tomahawk. But we can afford it because terrorists.....or Merica......or MAGA......or something.

Newsflash! Everyone needs to turn in their silver stack so we can make more missiles.

'Merica images.jpg

Its gonna be YUGE!

Excellent post! I have heard it’s up to 22kg, but as you said, nobody knows!
I’d bet there’s a lot of “strategic metal” getting blowed up all over the place though.

I'm sure Wikileaks or Edward Snowden will release it at some point lol...

"Trump basically launched 103 monster boxes of ASE's at a foreign sovereign nation"

Should have been in a CARE package instead!

Great post sir. @matthewwarn. keep going.

Salivante Metal on YouTube managed only to find one news source quoting 380 toz of silver being needed for a Tomahawk but no further cooberative documentation to back it up. Knowing these things require reliable avionics you can bet there would a lot of silver needed. A to think the US doesn't consider silver a STRATEGIC mineral, pfffft!