Trader or Investor?

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

"To thine own self be true," says Polonius in Hamlet.

I've learned a lot about myself in the past 6 months. Namely the following:

  • 1.0 Trading is hard and if you don't have an will lose money (or future gains).
  • 2.0 I don't have an edge to trade
  • 3.0 Everyone looks like a genius in a bull market

Enter EOS




I started accumulating EOS in July of 2017 shortly after Jeff Berwick's interview with Dan Larimer.

When I invest, I invest first in people and second in the product. He had a good track record and I believed in his core principles. Steemit and Bitshares, Dan's previous two projects I both love. For me it was an easy move.

That interview led me to make several large purchases of EOS at the time which so far have paid off nicely. They have paid off nicely because I have mostly HODL'd through some stormy seas over the past few months. Back in July and August of 2017, there were a lot more people calling EOS a scam for its long token sale period than there were people saying to buy. That's why it sank under $1 for weeks!!! That may have turned out to be the buying opportunity of a lifetime. Most people who didn't watch that video didn't understand the long token sale period was more about decentralizing the tokens than maximizing profits (although it probably did some of both).

Then EOS shot up to $3 and a bunch of people were saying 'I sold, I sold and I tripped my money, I'll buy it back when it dips!!!' Congrats on your win ma'am, how do you know its going to dip? Why did you even buy in the first place? I'm guessing many people didn't buy back in and have since missed out on massive gains.

Now EOS has shot up to $20+ and people are saying to sell and buy back in later after the dip. Will EOS drop from here? Maybe/Probably (It has tripped in 3 weeks). Do things go straight up forever? No. Could EOS go up to $30 or $40 before it pulls back? Maybe. Is it really premature to sell anything if you believe in the technology since the network hasn't even launched yet? Absolutely. If you have massive gains, should you maybe sell out your initial investment and free-roll the rest? Don't be greedy. Maybe buy some investment grade Silver or Gold with some of those gains? I did.

Where do you think EOS will be 6 months / 12 months after the launch and there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of DAPPs on the platform all using EOS coins? Under $20? Highly Unlikely.

I am Lord @matthewwarn and I have Stackitis...but there are worse problems to have in thinking short term and not long term!


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Exquisite discernment. I fully agree with you.
First the competency of the people behind then, the product. If both are aligned then is the perfect combination for success.
Steem on!

You're a smart man :-)

Thanks, I don't think so but I try ;-)

Feels like EOS is overbought right now. I’m waiting for a decent pullback to invest.

I probably wouldn't enter my full position size at ATHs either...Dollar Cost Average in is a good policy

Is EOS really worth $ 17 bi? thats what i wonder, obviously market talks, but seems a bit too much for a project still pre-launched, said that i wish it goes to $100 bi xDD

Valuing any of this is difficult. But EOS can do everything BTC, Steem, Bitshares and just about all of them do only faster and for $0 in transaction costs. Either Bitcoins valuation of $150B is too high or EOS is still too low even though it hasn't launched.

Lovely quote and great article. I’m glad you are in the green my friend!

Now if silver would just follow suit, it would be delightful.

Silver is the legacy play. Cryptos for the here and now 👊😎

I really wish I knew crypto. It’s a foreign language to me....but great info👍

There's no school on crypto...just got to read up and through yourself in the deep end...Its what I've done and so far so good :-)

It’s not even the read of it. It’s confusing to me, there’s an exchange then a wallet. I did sign up for a Bittrex account, but what’s the best wallet to have?

Its a complicated question...but Exodus wallet is a good starter wallet. There are a bunch of the SSG guys on discord that can help you out if needed. I can also answer questions there if you want to direct message me there or on

Thank you my friend.👍 Will do, appreciate it. I’m trying .....

I am not trader also not a investor.. cause I dont have money.. lol

Your post is quite interesting anyway hope for your success.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

I think both will be good...its upto your choice man....i prefer investor

It is so good when we plan a thing and the plan bear fruits! Congrats on your strategy.

Nice job man. I have started to do the exact same thing over the last couple months after blowing up’s sucks because a lot of time you were right just not “right then” lol

La inversión siempre ha sido una de las mejores cosas que los seres humanos hacemos, y los que no lo hacen deben empezar a hacerlo para notar la gran diferencia.
