this guy is such a fucking tyrant.
He is hitting accounts that are totally unfair as a means to convince bot owners to change. Thinking that if he hits enough customers they will push us to change.
The truth is that the moment that everyone starts bending to the will of only one person/account that has a lot of steem power they are giving up their free will on the platform. Not to mention they are opening a serious can of worms. Because now the whole community sees that one large account can now dictate any rules they want on the rest of us no matter how ridiculous or unfair. Lowering the length of days for bots like he wants has been discusses as a possible solution m any times. However it is not the answer.
The truth is that lowering the days will only encourage scammers on the platform that are already abusing these bots to invest more money into what they are doing because now they have to afford to bid in a series throughout the week on all their shit posts. It actually solves nothing.
The only minimal benefit is that they are now visible longer. The point in this is so that there is more time for people to flag them. Let's face it, there are far to many of these account for people to flag them all. Plus, this is steemit, most people really don't care enough to. So, the best option so far is a good black list.
The only thing that would actually affect it is a very good black list of spammy/scammy accounts that is being updated all the time that every bot could draw from.
As my show for support of this bro, I'm adding him to my blacklist and asking other bot owners to do the same. We may not have the power to flag his posts to 0 but we can stop him from using our bots to push his agenda.
He will still make almost $200 on each of his posts from his own self vote but it's a start.