I'm really happy to see you standing up. It is really messed up what he's done to you and many others.
I have made my attempt to reason with him and we will see how it goes.
I'm really happy to see you standing up. It is really messed up what he's done to you and many others.
I have made my attempt to reason with him and we will see how it goes.
Just read your post MD — seems like we have a sociopath on our hands...
haha, he just threatened me and my family instead of reasoning then came in the discord group i invited him to and left the same threat.
What an asshat!
The guy’s pulling 10s of thousands out of Steemit every week from an account that’s only 3months old and he has nothing better to do than flag/downvote people that are just trying to post good content and make a few bucks.
I just don’t get it... whomever it is has serious character flaws.
That is for sure. I've had an Idea for how to stop him but it will take commnity efforts.
@raybrockman has rallied #steemsilvergold & #metalsmafia, and there is strong support from #thealliance — if anyone of us gets tagged there is going to be a fucking flag-storm!
Nice! I like it man
hit me up in discord I have something i'm mulling over
Hi Michael, i really “do” discord... i think i have signed up, but fuk-it... can you send me a mssg via steem chat?