Many here on steemit are sound money advocates and as such, the benefits afforded to precious metal holders are not foreign.
Many of us hold metal of various value in various locations. How do we actually "hold" it however? Do you take physical possession and then put the bag next to the old pizza boxes when you get home and say "I'll hide that on the weekend"?
Does the weekend ever come?
Perhaps you've been saying to yourself "I'll buy some metal one day". Has that day yet come?
It's important to remain vigilant and constantly assess risk. Not securing metal in a thoughtful way at home leaves you at risk of theft. This topic has been on my mind recently and I recorded a few thoughts in the video below.
I hope it offers some help, even if only the "kick in the bum" to get to action. Enjoy!
I will get some whenever I can afford it already.
I think the first thing you should do is not run your mouth that you even own any! If I were holding I would let as few ppl as possible know that I was. If you live in a low crime neighborhood this is always your best practice, as well as in a, high crime neighborhood. Thieves that rarely come around still won't and thieves lurking everywhere are always looking for their next snatch!
So far just from this video I know that your are Australian. You have a somewhat eccentric and unique counter-top/table there. And you are married. Shouldn't take long now to triangulate! J/k very good vid. up-voted/re-steemed!
Big safe and a big gun is all I need 😀
Yup! This is right!
(3) cat equals (3) kitty litter boxes equals plenty of place to hide PMs.
I just wrote a blog post on how I made my first purchase 2 days ago!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful post,l
I installed a floor safe in my last house, blasted out some concrete from the basement floor, dug it out and set the safe in new concrete in the hole. After it was done, it looked just like a rough in floor drain. Very cool way to secure treasures!
thanks for this post very useful for us. :)
i don’t store my metals at home. I have them in private security. Very low cost, 100% insured.
Great post! Thanks for sharing
This is the case with a lot of things in life...sometimes we have intentions that we just don't get around to. That being said, protecting my treasure is HIGH on my list. I don't keep my metals laying around (especially junk silver which could be mistaken for change and accidentally spent!). One needs to just get in the habit of taking care of storage as soon as the metals arrive home.
It can either be a clever hidibg place or just out of sight....but it needs to be done consistently. Happy stacking, all!
Pow Wow Safe. Always a loaded firearm or 3 inside. Ready to go.
Buying a safe only makes sense once you have some kilo of silver. Before that hiding it somewhere is fine. I store part of my silver in a little (hotel) safe but it is full already.
Good tips for hiding metals at home, @nolnocluap! When the economy slips we are more prone to robberies, especially here. Always good to have a better place to put the goods.
Safes and some tricky hiding spots. Don't store all in the same place. thats how I do it.
I can only afford 1 of these... do you think it’s enough.
I put those babies in the safe the day I get them lol.
Check out my latest post on PM and Mining stocks:
Hide it and have a safe - hide the safe.
Nice vid, I had to put on shades to watch it with all of them shiny beauties :):):)
This is a great video. Nice work, and nice stash of gold and silver.
When it comes to hiding the coins, that can be a lot of fun. I have a friend who's child's doorstop in their room is a 5kilo bar of silver painted black. I didn't even notice it when he told me to look for it. When you think about hiding coins and silver, it makes sense why people spent so much time hiding their money hundreds of years ago... and why we still find it today. Much like your apartment story in your video. Nice job. Thanks for the tips! You got a new follower.