Sorry, I think my statement was somewhat obtuse. What I meant was that the foreign countries would have to be agreeable to keeping or holding the 'new' currency. Currently, a majority of countries are ditching the treasury. By creating a new US money is not going to make any difference. It would appear that the US dollar as the world's reserve currency is close to ending. When that status is removed, the only reason a foreign country would hold US currency is for trading. Since the bulk of US manufacturing has been off shored, I would have serious doubts that the US has any products that a foreign country would want. Yes I am generalizing, there are some products that they may want but not enough to sustain the level of US dollars that are currently be held by foreign countries due to the traditional oil trade.
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What you call the US Dollars are really Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes...
You need to do a Study on my Pocket Change Theory... It's a Game Changer... We'll be going from a Debt Based Monetary System, to a Debt Free Monetary System, that will be "owned and operated" by "We the People"... The United States of a Sovereign People...
Mea culpa, my faux pas. I honestly do know that US dollars are actually IOU's not to be termed a currency or cash. No excuse on my part, but about 99.9% of people consider them cash or currency. So kudos to you having the astuteness to understand that we have no actual currency. The fed notes are printed IOU's which the majority of the people don't comprehend that we are paying interest on these notes.
I appreciate your belief that the US will move from a debt based economy to a debt free based economy. The logistics of this are not favorable. The current debt is somewhere around $21 trillion. Here's a link that I'm sure you are aware of.
Not to be argumentative but how does one propose to pay off $21 trillion. As you well know, this amount does not include the amount due for the massive derivatives. It has been estimated that if one were to include derivatives and unfunded liabilities, the debt would be in the quadrillions.
I do have faith in the 'white hats' pulling this out but it is hard to comprehend how they will accomplish this feat.
I'm not even sure who the White Hats are, unless you're referring to the Good Guys... To pay off the 21 Trillion, we're going to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes... There will be a Redemption Period, to give everyone Around the World, an opportunity to turn them in, before they become Void of Legal Tender Status... As we "Remove and Replace" the Federal Reserve Notes, we will make them Void and return them to the Federal Reserve and take back our Bonds... It's all very simple... The United States will not "default" on any of their obligations... I have many Posts if you're still wondering how we're going to make this all possible...
The term 'white hats' is nebulous but I use it to refer to the good guys. Unfortunately, the good guys one day are the bad guys the next day. I understand what you are suggesting but one thing I don't see addressed is the interest on the debt instruments.
The interest on the Debt will be very easy to pay in full... The Battle you need to be watching (as you're enjoying the Show) is the Battle between "Our Money" and the Central Bank "Owners Money"... I have over 600 Posts on this topic, looking at it from every possible angle...
Thanks for the enlightening discussion. I will be checking out your posts.