Did you make this with PMc3 silver clay? I always had problems with that stuff breaking when thin, great work you will perfect it in the end :-)
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Did you make this with PMc3 silver clay? I always had problems with that stuff breaking when thin, great work you will perfect it in the end :-)
hiya i used prometheus, i mentioned in an earlier post i think i am unable to do pouring as such i have two arms but one of them is just there to even up my look :) my right arm, no problem good arm that, performs most arm functions quite well :) my left arm, well like i said its there, it can hold stuff , sometimes, as far as arms go its the right arm that satisfies the concept of what an arm should do :) hence the lifting and pouring of dangerous hot and expensive metals the operating of hot furnaces etc all these things are not for a skinny woman with one good arm, so i turned to prometheus but as i have said to another i would not reccomend it as it is very expensive and its only really a last resort , i am working on other ideas as well though, i am learning engraving as that is a good way of being able to get my detailed designs onto silver and i have been watching videos on using torches etc though so far it is still not really a viable option, prometheus is good except it is difficult to work with and limited and very expensive, i pay around £25 per 10 gms andit only gets slightly cheaper if i buy more, its saving grace is the fact that i can physcially use it, big bonus there, and that it lends itself well to working with my own designs though the skull the tiny one was using a mould it also has to have very definite temps and firing times the brittleness comes from not being sintered i have learned that through experience :) generally as a product i cannot recommend it but i am happy to use it in my present situation. again thank you for chatting nice to meet someone who is happy to listen to me waffle on about my passion for silver, and you have left me the most lovely comments i appreciate that i hope i havent missed any my full respect to you