Introduction to Silver Stacking: How to store and secure your silver!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

So once you've bought you first bit of silver, you need to decided where you plan to store it and keep is safe. Remember this stuff in valuable and we're running on the prediction it's going to become very valuable one day.


Usually silver stackers are pretty secretive and also kind of paranoid, so most people will suggest not telling anyone and trying to keep it a secret. So I will definitely pass on the that advice since it's pretty good. I've even read a few times along the way that "The first rule of Silver Stacking is Don't tell Anyone"


Of course if we soften that a bit, I would at least say try to be secret. Tell as few people as you actually need to and don't be blasé or brag about it. Most people won't tell you just how much they really have. (or their wives for that matter) You hopefully don't need to worry about your friends and family, but maybe their friends, or the friends after that. Of course if you tell too many people you can certainly make yourself a target so it's often suggested to keep some of your stack somewhere else, at a close friends or family members, if you trust the banks you can always get a safety deposit box.


If you are going to store it at home, try to find a well hidden place. A lot of people use diversion safes or have decoy safes. It's probably a good idea to get a good safe at least. The type that is hard mounted from the inside is usually best, but there are all kinds of good ones. Try to keep it out of the master bedroom, since that's the thieves first place to look. Mostly just be smart about it and take some precautions.


There are even people that make sealed containers out of PVC pipes and actually bury it somewhere like real deal pirates. You will read all kinds of advice on that. Of course there's also a subset, that will tell you get a whole lot of guns and stay home and protect it all day as well.

Overall there is no perfect solution the but overarching advice is always to try to be secret and smart about it.

Footer by @bearone


Image result for 45 gun
best way to protect and store your bullion.

Sure, but note that in some countries it's not so easy to get a legal gun. It might get even harder when you actually use it in defence;). So I think hiding precious metals is the best way.

not having the right to defend ones self from a violent attacker sounds shitty, midnight gardining never hurts when hiding stuff.

I figured someone would go there, it's what I hear pretty often when this topic comes up.

how else you gona stop an violent armed invasion of your house?

move to Canada?

They dont have the right to freedom of speech and they dont have the right to bear arms so prolly not, mexico would be an option before canada.

So true @phelimint, storage of ones stack is very important. I have seen photos of home safes being totally destroyed by angle grinders. So even if you have a good quality home safe do take caution. Exhibit A below:


Exhibit A Image Source

Some people come up with very creative, ingenious and expensive ways of concealing their home safes. Exhibit B:


Exhibit B Image Source

Yeah, my dad always said "locks only keep the honest people out", If they really wanna get in your safe they will, definitely gotta get creative.

These articles rock! I don't know that I could bring myself to burying any silver. I'm hoping the cameras, dogs and guns (in that order) keep people out. :)

I'm glad they are going over well, I think I have enough for a couple more. A lot of people share your idea of the best way to secure it.

What kind of advice do you have for pieces that you want to keep out on display?

Just go ahead and display them! They do have locked display cases and I guess you could hard mount it to the wall as well.

Hiding it outside in a PVC pipe would be cool to do and I just might give that a try some day. But that would also make me nervous always thinking about "what if something digs it up or something " plus I like playing with my silver and looking at it. This is why I haven't gotten a safety deposit box yet. Thanks for some ideas

I don't think I could do it either, but it seams to be surprisingly popular.

What about the people who would sooner show it off? They've got some creative ways of going about that as well!

Didn't that guys get robbed and attacked or something?

Another great post for a newbie man.

Thx, I hope it's helping them out.

I rent a safe in a former bankbuilding for my gold. Insured and all. No guns at home for me!

That's probably the best idea man, I do think storing it offsite is very smart.

I think just like investing diversification is key when storeing silver. You do not want all your silver in one place. Great article. I am really enjoying this series. Keep up the good work

Thx man, it's been fun to write actually, I'm really liking the series idea.

No doubt storage is a big key. That’s why i chose an off sight storage facility. Good info. 🍺

Probably an excellent idea for sure.

@phelimint Thank You one day when I invest in some precious metals I will now have some ideas on how to store them..............

Right you need to be safe, maybe a bunker?

when I get enough Silver to warrant a safe, I'll be making it a project to create the most innocent and secret hiding spot possible that no one would ever believe would hold anything hehe.

Good plan, You definitely have to get creative.

The only people that know where is my stack (several places) are my daughters. They or my grandchildren (when they exist) will receive it , so they must know where to search. They have the safe keys, the combinations and an Excel listing everything...

well done, it pays to be organized and secure.

Good advice here for new stackers. You can never be too safe!

Yeah, it's sometimes overlooked.

store inside milo tin :p

Silver is undervalued!!! It should have bigger price than gold but we live in the world of ignorance so this is not surprising.

Tell us (in secret of course) where is your silver :P

Most of mine is on display, I really need to take my own

Agree about being secretive about it all.

Women don't talk about their age. Men should not talk about their money. Or silver in this case.

They keep precious stones in the bank and not under the mattress.

We were having a pot full of silver coins and to protect that we burried it and somehow lost it forever.

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the first rule of the gold storage club is ... you do not talk about the gold storage club ... the second rule of the gold storage club is ... nvm ... LOL :):):)