Looking for design ideas and feedback for the 2018 Steem silver round!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

So it's officially time to starting planning for the 2018 Steem Silver Round.

We made the official first announcement in this previous post HERE

And some further Follow-up Here

There's a lot of info and discussions over on those posts that still needs input, but in this post we're just going to focus on the design idea and I feel that's the first major step.

Here's a quick reminder of the 2017 Image that was used. The Round was titled "Community" and created by the amazing designer @bearone.

We will once again go to the community for designs and art submissions, but first need to establish what the design is going to be. So we are not at the design submissions stage yet!

The obverse(back/heads) will stay the same with the Steem Logo and standard silver round markings. It will give it a nice clean look and keep the flow between the annual releases.

The big question is what to put on the Reverse, or Front/Tails side of the round.

I'm currently undecided personally, but the whole point is to have maximum community engagement and input with the project so we're reaching out to everyone with feedback.

Community vs Open Design?


Half of me thinks we should really continue to make this a "community" round, and look for the designers to find another way to display the community feel here on steemit and capture that on the round. For me 'community' has always been the most important aspect of steemit and the reason most of us stay as active here on the platform as we do.

Open Design

The other half of me thinks we should just keep it wide open and let the designers come up with anything steem/steemit related at all. It could be absolutely anything to do with any aspect of steemit at all. Most of the other initial submissions that were also excellent were very different than this first one.

Here is a recap of the other designs for last years project.

Other Ideas

Of course there's also the likely possibility that someone around here has a way better idea than me, and has another idea for an amazing theme or design for the round that would help carry the project in an exciting direction and there is still lots of time to have more discussions about that.

I know this year with the expanded focus on the project and the chance to better reward the designers that make submissions, as well as the fact we're no longer restricted to a 2d die, the finished project is going to be amazing.

Depending on where the discussion heads from here we may proceed with a vote or if there is a clear preference, we will continue with the design contest shortly.

The remainder of the discussions, and more info about the 2018 project are still happening over here

Lastly we are committed to keeping matching COA numbers for the number 1-100 rounds for 2017 customers and we are also trying to crowdfund the project to ensure we can keep the price point down and reward designers so any donations can be sent to @steemsilverround, we are also committing the SBD from post payouts to help fund the project.


I think it would be a good idea to have a face value of 1, 5 og 10 Steem as to demonstrate that Steem is in fact a coin.

QR Code for Steem !!!!!!!!

Yeah, I know the mint has done QR codes before it's an interesting idea.

...a qr code to Stax’ wallet 😳

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

QR Code !!!!!!!

I have a bitcoin one that is in my top 5 coins. If we could get a steem one, my bitcoin one would be a piece of crap compared. lol

I have nothing yet for tails — but re: neoxian’s comment, maybe we could make the heads side say “1 Steem” — just as a way of valuing Steem higher —-> 1 Steem = 1oz o the shiny!

You are on to something there! I like the face value as 1 Steem, sort of like the different governments do for their silver coins. Then it wouldn't be a Steem round but actually a Steem coin! I love it!

Itsa mofo to change the die though...

But we’re all working on it!

This is interesting for sure it would be fun to add a face value like that, but I've also heard warnings about this kind of thing, since the government doesn't like people "making currency"

Hmmm, what about mining bitcoin?

I’m not arguing with you, justbthinking out loud... if it’s not possible ? (or too expensive) i get it...

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

I have the winning design right here... No need to hold the competition

It’s PERFECT! lofl

Thought you might like it. Shall we just end the competition now and start minting these bad boys??

I was wondering which side was heads/tails.
I've just been going with the fish tails.
Nice to see I was right :)

Yo buddy, the 2sbd donated to ssround from Polo is from @thedamus


I saw that in there! You’re awesome!

Thx Sevin!

If I've learned one thing during my time on Steemit, it's that there are a lot of creative and talented people out here. I say, throw it out them the masses and see what you reel in? You never know just what might come in!

Thank you... Thank you very much... Another Star for you...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Yeah, there's so many amazing artists, It's going to be amazing!

I like the "to the moon" design from last year.

I have a feeling we are going to get many more entries this year compared to the 2017 coin!

Oh hell yes!

I really like your art, and hope be like you.
if you do not mind, please visit and advise my art blog.

The steem logo side is kind of boring, can we spice that up a bit? Maybe by polishing up parts of it to be shiny.

We definitely could spice it up some and change it some! There would be another die cost involved, but the funds to @steemsilverround should help offset these die costs some! You would lose some consistency with the coins if both sides are always changed, but we could get twice as creative every year!

We could definitely do it as a proof, but I think it would raise the prices a bit.

I think this year should reference Steemsilvergold community somewhere. Wish i could help design, its goona be tough to beat last year

I think that would be pretty sweet if we did that! What if we did a variation of the silvergoldbotty and include steemsilvergold

I love the idea of Stax being featured!

I think the Phelimint boyz are gonna’ do a Stax coin (and maybe a proof!) and let the Steem coin have it’s own life — i am ALL for this if so... i’m just speculating, but yo Phil! Check it out 😳

Oh yea! Stax will be on a round that's for sure, not sure she's gonna debut on the steem community round though.

So sweet!!!

Definitely something to ponder! Especially in a 3D design!

Hell yeah, that is sick... I'd vote for that hands down.

Is there any discussion on possibly moving up to 2 oz rounds?

That has not been considered but I would imagine it could be done! Not sure if it’s mire ecoevsuce to strike that round vs a typical 1 ouncer? @phelimint, @ejr?

It hasn't been discussed but the premiums are much higher to strike a 2oz round, also from our past experience in the 2oz size, the uptake is very low and it's a much more difficult sell.

Yeah that would be pretty dope

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)

(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot. "Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"

I'm not much of one for creativity. I think Steemit gives you a ton to work with. Decentralization, blockchain, free speech, community, revolutionary, and much more. Looking forward to other submissions! Resteemed!

@rachyroo, I think they're talking to you :)

I like both the community and open design. I know that's not very helpful feedback.

I won't be missing out on the 2018 coins!

What if we make every other year an open steem design and on the next year follow with a community design. At the core we are a community but it would be nice to have an open design every other year. Best of both worlds in my opinion.

Awwww I wouldn’t mind pushing out a design for the new steemit silver round .. I really wana design one or two lol

For sure man, definitely throw our a few ideas.

Junius Maltby is the man to talk to. He designed a crazy coin. I am so not creative.

I can't wait! I'm buying more right out the gate this year so I don't have to track them down. Only buying one to start last year war so hard. I only have one in the top 100 😕 but I noticed the other day I have 426 and 1426 🤑

I say leave the design open since the community gets to vote on which design is chosen correct?

So in a way if you keep the design open, even if the community feels it should be a community design they can vote on only community designs, but you still have the chance of getting something "better"

Yeah, this seams to be the post popular idea so far.

  1. I need this!
  2. Who is creating the coins?
  3. I need this!! @darkflame

@phelimint got the coins minted! I have some for sale if you want some! Contact me via discord or steemit chat?

Im kinda new around here so this may be a dumb question. Are these for sale? If so i want some, where can i buy them ?

Do you have Steemit.chat or discord? I have some for sale

Ill set one up today

You can email me if you don't want to set up steemit.chat or discord.

[email protected]

Maybe just make the back side polished completely smooth like a pocket mirror, that way you have a coin and a mirror in your wallet! It would be the first silver coin ever to double as a mirror!

See, you could blow on the coin just like a mirror and make it steem!