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RE: Open letter to the SteemSilverGold Community from @phelimint regarding Stax.

This post was just voted 100% by staxx. Phil and what exactly do you mean about you are the owner of staxx. I think this is getting way out of hand and I don't really think to many answers where given with this post. So we or you are going to keep giving qurtar 100% votes?


I agree this is certainly getting out of hand I think we definitely need to have a further discussion. I though this answered the questions, but I think I'm missing something.

I think one of the core issues here is over who owns the bot. Many were of the opinion that Staxx was a community owned bot and so they donated generously with that understanding. To now find out that it is a privately owned bot is a shock to some.

I thought the same thing, but I doubled checked, it is on the Stax @silvergoldbotty account. Not a Stax upvote on the @phelimint account. Maybe U knew that...

As far as the Self Votes, it pays the bot account back, as does the Vote Trades w/Qurator. The numbers seem to be correct, and we can check the outgoing wallet. If we stop these vote trades and selfies, it costs us all almost $1 per vote in the long run. At gold level. I showed some graphs up above, were are netting $6 gains every time we trade votes w/Qurator