At the rate this community is going we may have to organize a "coin-show" ourselves. This would be quite the feat of organizing, but how cool would it be to have a MASSIVE coin show?
We'd need a big room and plenty of security, o yeah, and a 100' table for the Brockman Stack!
At the rate this community is going we may have to organize a "coin-show" ourselves. This would be quite the feat of organizing, but how cool would it be to have a MASSIVE coin show?
We'd need a big room and plenty of security, o yeah, and a 100' table for the Brockman Stack!
Now that woukd be bad ass. But I still din't need a 100' table.....
Lol, just pullin' yer leg... a fifty footer would probably do 😜
Dude, how to feel about EOS?
I had some for a while... more interested in btc and ltc now -- but literally anything can happen.
There is LOTS of bs shilling going on though.