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RE: Silver is a No-Brainer

Thanks, That means alot from you. I have been watching your videos for a long time on YouTube and love your material.
I really liked your Collapse Series that was like 5 videos that talked about someone going through a collapse. That was so cool and awesome.
Your stuff about Silver is something that I look forward to.
Having your support means so much too. I figure that my Challenges will help to draw peoples interest from the Cryptos into SIlver and Gold. And it helps to keep people monitoring the prices. Now that You are on STEEMit, I can follow you and connect with you via this platform which I find very cool and useful.
Thanks a lot.


The collapse series was a ton of fun to create; maybe I'll create something similar in the future.
I think Steemit has a ton of potential. I think it needs some streamlining, as far as the UI goes, but I think those of us that joined early, will be rewarded when it goes more mainstream. Imagine, a Steemit that has the user base of Reddit.

Looking forward to it. (Both) - Your next series and STEEMit to explode upward!