
You can donate directly through transfer to @steemsilverround account. That is where all Steem Silver Round donations are going. Or you can upvote my fundraising post, or have a booster upvote sent to my earlier post. Thanks so much! @richq11

That's what I tried to do. I copied and pasted @steemsilverround and put it as the account name in my wallet and it said it was too long. And now it made a liar out of me lol! Are there any 2017 rounds available?

They are all sold out I believe. Sometimes you will see one for sale on here. I might consider letting 1 go, but thats it. I have 3.

And @richq11 THANK YOU!! for donating to @steemsilverround

Glad to help. If you want to let go of one, check me on and we can swap emails and do it. I just sent off for a 10oz olympic bar from JMBullion (I threatened to do it yesterday talking to @raybrockman). The price was too good to pass up. I'm powering down some steem tomorrow so let me know if you prefer steem.

Will do