Today I would like to present you my latest coin I bought for my coin collection.
Next to generic and bullion coins I tend to buy as investment, I also buy coins which I feel are somehow collectible or are just nice to have.
Today I purchased this coin wich falls in the last category: Nice to have
It is a Belgian coin, minted in 1987 in a number of 1.000.000 strikes. So it is not a rare coin, but it fits my collection.
It is a 5 ECU coin, minted to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the basis of the present day European Union.
For those of you who follow my post, they know I have a number of these coins in gold, but the silver one was missing in my collection . So now I have both of them.
The gold coin was minted in a number of 1,500,000 so the silver version is a little bit more scarce.
Just feel happy to own this coin.
The quality of this coin is not the best, but fine for me.
Looks sleek and nice, friend.
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