So while I'm still waiting for my next big silver order to arrive, which is being processed as I type, I guess it should be here on Friday or Saturday at the latest, it's been a long wait since my last order in early January. So I thought I'd share a coin I really, really like.
The 2012 Fiji Taku double taku 1oz gold gilded coin.
It wasn't one of the 1st coins I bought, but I did buy it to replace the 2016 Niue 2oz hawksbill turtle coins. (below) That I had bought a tube of 10 x 2oz coins, right when I first started stacking and I ended up selling them all, for a nice little profit. As the price of spot had risen as well and no one else at the time was selling these 2oz coins on Ebay, plus I couldn't find a capsule for them anywhere. all of it got reinvested back into the stack but in coins that met my newly formed strategy more. Although I had gained from the price of spot. I just didn't want to be tied to it. so I decided to buy more semi-numismatic bullion coins.
They were the cheapest silver over the spot price at the time, that I could afford a whole tube of, being in the EU I bought them from silver to go but I don't buy from them anymore. Mainly I get most of my bullion from, as they just so much cheaper.
I really did like the design, How can you not, but it doesn't change. The coins do carry a small premium on the secondary market but I now mainly prefer to buy coins that the design changes every year or are part of a series.
So one day on my search for dragons. (As those who know me know I collect dragons)
I saw this coin and I won it at a pretty cool price $62.50 USD about £44 GBP at the time, I'd already won a few other coins from the same seller and he did combined postage so was a win-win.
Anyhow onto the coin, it comes in pretty cool packaging as you will see. I don't wanna spoil it too much for you all, so I'll let some pics do the talking, but during that I'll tell you a little about the saga between Fiji taku and the hawksbill turtle as they are really the same design bar a different name, but this coin is special in more ways than one to me, as hopefully, you will see.

So now let's take a glimspe at the coin all be it through the deep blue

But it doesn't ends there

Check It Out !!

An Awesome Coin!
Plus it is the only way to get the two turtles on one coin, The capsule on this coin is impossible to open so the pics are not the best and it would be rude not to show Queenie, but then I can tell you a bit about the saga I mentioned earlier and why 2012 was the last year she was on this coin or any other Fiji coin.

The Fiji Taku bullion coin ended in 2013. In 2009, Fiji was suspended from both the Pacific Islands Forum and the Commonwealth of Nations because of it's failure to hold free elections since the military coup in 2006. This led to, 2013 dated coins, having the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II removed from the obverse of the Taku coins, along with all the countries other coinage, in favour of the coat of arms representing the country itself.
In 2014 the New Zealand Mint was looking for an alternative partner and they decided to modify the Taku design slightly and issue it for another island that uses the NZD, Niue. The coin carries over most of the design that made the Taku coin such a big favourite. a lot more coins have been produced for Niue since The Hawksbill turtle coin has led to a good partnership between both parties. Later in 2014 Fiji was re-admitted to the Commonwealth, eight years after the nation was first suspended following the military coup, but as far as I know they still don't have the queen on their coins.
I think all the bullion coins from the New Zealand mint are produced by sunshine mint in the USA and thats another great partnership bringing great designs at a decent price compared to some other coins, but I guess one good thing to also come out of it is, Fiji don't have the queen on there coins any more..
Like on the 2014 lunar horse below
Hope you all liked the coin as much as i do. So glad I got it and is something I will find very hard to part with now. The gold gilding certainly makes the design pop and that leads to what my next few posts are going to be about, My gold. Belows a little teaser or preview whatever you wanna call it.
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I have a silver turtle coin like this, but as I am at work I have no idea of the issue year or if it is Niue, Taku or NZ. I had seen the same design was coming out of different places, but didn’t know any of the background. This is very informative, and when I get home I am digging out my turtle to see which I have.
If it's a 2013 it's a bit special imo as that was the only year it was a Fiji coin and had the coat of arms on it instead of the queen are great coins though.
Sweet coin, i really like that year of the horse ying yang and the turtle coin. I have never seen that water like tin before. That's so cool
Yeah, I didn't know when I bought it had water in it. I Think a bit leaked out as it got sent airmail to the UK from Poland, As was a bit wet when it came but since hasn't leaked one bit. The ying-yang coins are great had the snake as well but sold it and wanted to get the dragon but they really expensive in comparison.