They look sick in gold. The newest release the design looks stunning, not easy to get over here in the UK and that pushes price up.. so I have not bought any but don't mean I don't like them, as I do very much.
They look sick in gold. The newest release the design looks stunning, not easy to get over here in the UK and that pushes price up.. so I have not bought any but don't mean I don't like them, as I do very much.
The newest looks really amazing. I pre ordered it in silver already. The premium was okish actually.
At my EU dealer they 25.41 euros and not until June 1st. so for me, that's too high. I buy a few coins for 20 euros max like congo gorilla's and most coins I do buy around 16 to 17 euros mark an oz. so we talking 8 euros more each. Same with emu and swans. Just where I am stacking wise. don't mean I don't like them or think they won't do well as they will. I just cannot afford to by everything