I initially joined steemit to post pictures of my coin pick ups, sort of a diary showing my journey and my collection as it evolves, i post them for myself, i have been enjoying taking photographs of my coins and it gives me time with each and every one of them as i try to take the best picture i can of them, messing about with lighting and positions of the coin.
Luckily earlier on in the year i cashed out much of my steem when the price was high, i did not have any expectations of this platform, nor did i expect to make any money off it. I did not have a clue what to do with the steem once i cashed it out and turned it into bitcoin, i was aware i had made a profit and sat on the bitcoin only to see the price start to fall, bugger i just did not know how to cash out until i saw Power Coin in Italy accepted Bitcoin as payment, ooooh i thought and i was like a kid in a sweetshop.
I wanted a coin that i would not nomally buy, a sort of a reminder of where the money came from and something a little special and i saw this coin, the Alligator Bitemak coin, it was friggin 200 euros for the one ounce coin but to me it was free and on top of this coin i was also able to pick up another 4 coins with the Bitcoin i had left over, lucky me and thank you Steemit.
The 2018 Republic of Palau 5t Dollar coin depicting an Alligator stalking its way through the water. Its an ultra high relief proof using smartminting technology and the coin is slighlty deformed at the bottom edge to represent the bite mark of an alligator
I have had a break from Steemit, i go through moods and only do something while im in the moment then im off on another adventure. I come, i go but i love stacking and i love my coins and i will always be wanting to show off what ive been picking up, this hobby is for life and my passion.
Steemit has worked for me, you only need to look at this coin to see the rewards i have gained from this platform but there are other ones too, i like the banter with some or most of the people on here, i enjoy commenting if i have something to say, it must be uplifting, witty or inspiring, im not one to comment "nice coin" but sometimes i read or watch and just cannot be arsed making any comment, doesn't mean i didnt enjoy it i do like to be a recluse at times, like this alligator silently gliding through the steem pit making only minor ripples in the water
The face side of the coin is showing the teeth marks of the alligator and its almost impossible to photograph the subtle bend on the coin where the alligator has deformed the coin, in the bottom picture the lighting gives it away and you can make out where the coin creases in, its proper smart but you do need your own eyes to appreciate it fully. The first coin in the series is the Great White Shark, the bend looks more pronounced on that one but its also 200 Euros so sod that, i dont think ill be picking it up or continuing with the series, this is just a geat single addition to the collection, a stand out coin in my opinion.
So what next for me and steemit, not sure. If im completely honest im not here for the financial reward but to document my collection, have a bit of banter with likeminded people that share my hobby but i am a sucker for a nice coin, when i first joined steemit i invested £100 in steem and when i sold it was able to buy a shit load of cool collectable coins, i have 115 steem ready to sell if the price shoots up and i have my eye on a few coins id like to get for free, dont we all lol. and im down to a miserly 32 steem power which is probably about a quarter of 1 cent, woohoo but a few 10 cent posts could climb my way back into another free coin in the future but for now i will indulge in the gorgeous Alligator Bitemark.
This is a cool and unusual coin!! Pretty hefty price for it. Great find!!
Yea the price is just up there in cloud cookoo land, it must be the costs to design and produce are so high, i will be interested to see what they sell for on the secondary market but i would not sleep at night had i paid the 200 euros.
Great detail, I want one on these coins, what a find
Im surprised they have a release price of £200, had i not had my steem profit i would not entertain paying so much for just 1 ounce, i could imagine sellers having them on special offer in the future if they have not sold or ebay auctions would be interesting as i just cant see people being comfotable paying so much, but on saying that it is an awesome coin.
Keep on steemin' however you want, thats the cool thing about this place-theres no rules.
Cool gator coin, I pulled my initial cash investment out earlier this year too for silver!
I am so glad i did take my steem profit when i did, i bought a total of 7 coins worth about £600 and i still have nearly 150 steem left and i initially invested £100 so i cant knock this platform, also had 2 wins off Regal Stacker 5x somali elephants and a pf70 first release 2017 Britannia, anything i get now off steemit is a cherry on top.