Whoa, whats going on here? thats a fancy car. So where are you going? Looks like the pocket silver piece is off on his jollys with his posh matching luggage. Oi! Santa Maria, have you checked that your car is roadworthy? I bet he hasn't, i saw him doing donuts round Sainsburys car park earlier and terrorising chubby ankle Agnes on her mobility scooter.
Thats right check your engine oil and coolant, top up your washers and make sure nothings leaking, what about tyre pressures? Why dont you nip to the local garage and get a professional to check it out?
Broom Broom......Vroom................. Off to the garage he goes, get out the way grandma! BEEP! BEEP!
Come on...Keep it straight drive up the ramp so we can have a good look underneath the car, make sure everythings ok. Come on, your doing wonderful just dont drive off the edge of the ramp or ill have to slap you a couple of times.
Going up...
Pump the brake pedal.... hold it down! Make sure the handbrake is on, dont want it rolling off. Shake the steering, full lock to the right...and to the left, yea you have a bit of play in your front wishbone rear bushes, nowt to worry about but we will check them again at MOT time.
Looks like its already had a new exhaust fitted, where did you have that replaced, you didnt bring it to me... Quack Fit? what you doing going to Quack Fit you fookin moron! Id have been half the price, no no no its ok just dont worry about it if you want to go get your car fixed at Quack Fit then thats your business, did they fit your tyres as well? Id get your tracking checked, looks like they are feathering a little on the inside. But everything looks good, do you want your oil changing while its on the ramp? Ahh ok Quack Fit did it last week, yea no worries ya pocket prick.
So now the pocket silver piece has had a full safety check hes now ready to tear up the highways on his journey which lets face it is going to be full of exploration, adventure, drama and no doubt a healthy big steeming dollop of hilarity, ill bet you all cant wait...Broom Broom.

This is fanfookintastic!
Thank you, glad you liked it haha
that mini cooper rocking silver is awesome!
He gets more reckless by the day :)
That jack ass sure has a nice shop to go to and he choose the quack job place! I guess you can let it slide this time! It's tough keeping these pocket coins in check.
Yea there isnt any loyalty, if you let silver loose they will always try to get in someone elses pocket.
well, looks like a road trip adventure may be afoot. and it's good the car is getting serviced, even if it is at QuickFit. lol
Quack Fit, they are a bit like kwik Fit but their bills are a little bigger, eh? eh? bills! duck bills, quack quack also quack fit wont sue me where as another large franchise garage chain could.
Holy Crap! At first I thought that Santa Maria was 3 feet tall (or metres if you please ;) )
Oh yea a 3 foot silver monster, hmmm pocket silver challenge and the monster king kong!
Great story...can't wait to hear about his adventures...Hmmm wonder what he's got packed in his luggage???
In one of the bags he has his s&m gear, well silver does like to get locked away and beaten down, but i think the other bag contains some embarrasing items that he wouldnt like me to mention :)
Very cool photo shoot it actually looks like youve got a giant coin! havn't you got work to do lol :)
Yes, yes i did have work to do, the best bit is my dad attempting a smile at me in a forlorn and bewildered concern
he probably had a flashback to you as a kid playing with your toys lol, yeah ive had some funny looks too taking close ups of phil in public! my we never grow up really :)
At first glance I thought that was a monster silver coin, Lol, cheers.