SSG-Community: Precious Logo design winner FORBIDDEN us to use the logo from NOW!!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemsilvergold members,

We have a small problem. This guy @synekto who won the @ssg-community logo contest asked a few days ago for some form of reward for winning the contest. I refused as i thought he was claiming to have designed the actual #steemsilvergold logo but i seen since then he is talking about the logo for Precious. This was 3 days ago and i never thought about it again because there was no prize offered for that contest, we thought the glory of seeing your logo being used for the silver mermaid's posts was reward enough but then @synekto is not a member of #steemsilvergold so he may not understand what we are all about.

Tonight i logged in to do the daily post and check the comments on last nights post. I have seen that @synekto has made another comment but this time saying that because he has not been rewarded for all his time and effort, we are no longer permitted to use the Precious logo. Bummer. We are ''forbidden''

What are we gonna do?

Then it hit me like a train

Let the community decide

What do you wonna do about this? The wonders of the internet never cease to amaze me. So, he claims to have ''copyright'' of logo design. He owns the copyright to the master fish and chip box logo design and spent 30 minutes tweaking it. I assume he then spent hours filling in copyright forms and paying the fees and what not to make it all legit. This was no prize offered and it was never spoke about are mentioned but with that said, should he get something?
We have a few options to pick from but if you have any of your own, please share them with the rest of us in the comments below. Assuming he can proof copyright of the design the same way he assumes to be rewarded we have these options
1/ SBD dontation
2/ Precious upvote(s)
3/ Jog on matey
4/ Ditch the logo and design a new one

Ssg-community is set up to use all its steem and SBD to buy leases to increase the bots voting power for members of #steemsilvergold. So, we never have any money, i know there is money in the wallet but that is already spent and we need a few hundred more steem that we dont have yet for renewals. Any rewards for the pirate in form of SBD would need to come from community members as Precious is skint-o

I am @silverstackeruk and I approve this post

@buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackeruk, @welshstacker and @thedamus


He doesn't deserve anything for first taking the mermaid image from the internet, editing it and then passing it off as his own work. He cheated in the contest vs other entries that weren't image plagiarism to begin with.

Now he's yelling victim for an image which isn't his and is probably in the market for some free shit. That's not going to happen. And if he's reading this, here's a message buddy: Extortion is a type of scam and is dealt with seriously on the Steem blockchain.

I say we have a new contest where anyone who even as much as tries to submit a stolen image will get a fat flag. His bullshit tarnished the MyPrecious name.

After reading this, I agree, there should be a new logo.

Screw that guy and his shitty stolen image!

I say let’s go again. SSG members only. 3 winners for a possible rotating design but 1 that is the “official” logo if desired. These petty, little minded fuckwads just have to be dealt with and left in the dust. And this group has plenty of experience with that!

I am of a mind to start flagging this person. It's very poor form to enter into a community design contest with no prize offered, wait 3 months and THEN forbid its use and seek compensation.

My suggestion - they get NOTHING, except maybe a few flags from me for being such a douche.

If they ripped a stock image then it's just more fuel for the fire.

PS - Lets use a design from someone who is IN the community and who will take some pride from having their design used and promoted by the group.

Not sure I want to downvote but I agree we get one from someone inside the community. I know @willsparks88 makes great stuff and there are probably others. Who made that freaking awesome mermaid sitting on a rock?

You want to flag a person who made a logo you wanna use 10 times per day for the next 500 days? and you offer zero in return ? ZERO ? Now you are outraged that the person claims copyright ? How old are you ? 12 ?
Rewarding creative work for a logodesign, specialy if you are going to use the winners creative work over and over and over again makes lot of sense. You want it for free ? This happens ! Rewarding someones creative work if I use it every day does NOT hurt and makes sense.

If there was conditions of use they should have been stated up front when THEY entered the competition - which offered no prize and made it very clear what the intended use of the design was going to be. I guarantee you 100% that the community would NOT have voted for the design.

To come back now and seek compensation after it's been accepted by the community and has been built up as a brand is incredibly poor form. Now that we've found out it was based off a stock image it's bordering plagiarism.

I make no apology for flagging this user. Welcome to anarchy.

@buggedout, lol I see you’ve already visited his page. Did you see he’s been called out by cheetah as well? Stealing artwork and not writing his own articles...

I am not surprised at all. Sometimes the worst thing people like this can do is draw attention to themselves. There is a lot of abuse that still happens right under our noses :(

Tell @synekto 🖕🖕🖕. How about a Precious like this one. Pirate Mermaid. 😍


I definitely like the concept of a Pirate Mermaid. I still think that members of this community are capable of coming up with a good design though. We're not at the point where we need to pay for graphics - but maybe we'll be big enough one day :)

If the community wants a new logo, I like this idea.😜

If people like it maybe I could buy it and donate it to the group. Promise I won't come crying back asking for anything. :)

Me like it rofl! Gotta love the Pirate's!

Hey Guys,

If we run a contest for a new logo I’m happy to put up 1 ounce of silver for the winner and cover shipping?

#giveoldmatetheflick #moveonson


Give me a few days? 🙏

Hahaha Nah. I thought I could do it and tried to draw a mermaid and she looked way too cartoony to be our Precious.

If y'all are stuck though I may have an idea but it'll be super basic and using pre made elements, so it wont be 100% original.


Lolol more like this.



But that's not even the design I have in my head and Im no where near good enough of an artist to make what I have in my head happen. 😢

Well, I voted for this design.... what was I thinking? Lol we can definitely get one better.

Didn’t @guiltyparties say on discord that the image appears to have been taken off the internet anyway? Like this guy didn’t really design the mermaid?

Whatever... lame of this person to get all fussy now.

I participated in the logo contest, and I thought/understood that the winner gave the logo "rights" to the community, and would not personally receive any compensation for the logo.

This design "competition" was just for fun and recognition, and any effort or work was donated by the "artist" to the community...

He is not a member so he does'nt get that part of it i guess. FACESLAP

I agree with, 'continue on and ignore him.'
After some thought, a new logo design would be better!

You want to use someones creative work over and over and over again and you are not capable of giving a reward for that. You behave like kids. Grow up people and reward creative work. It is fair to do so and it doesn´t hurt.

Go eat a cock troll. Everything was clear as day re:contest and this is a blatant attempt at trying to gain from lying and plagiarizing. How is being disgusted with perjurers and thieves in anyway childlike.

You stink! Lofl

The great logo contest !! ! 1st price: nothing ! We expect great input from talented grafic artists. ROFLMAO!!!!

Stupid is as stupid does...

And only a complete imbecile enters a contest where there is explicitly no prize, and then demands one 3 months later...

They must call you Grandpa idiot!


Screw a bunch of that! No reward was offered, so none should be given. If that means that a new logo needs to be created, then so be it. Open it up to only SSG members (there are plenty of artistic members if the Silver Round Design options are any indication).

I initially started typing about how he should be made to prove that he has attained proper copyright on the image, but the more I think about it, the more it just irritates me that he is even making these assertions. Does the community want to continue to use a logo created by someone who then turns around and tarnishes it like this? I know I am the newest member, but for my part I say no. Precious can evolve and overcome this little money grab.

I agree and @guiltyparties the group's witness disproved him be proving it is a stock design. I only just found that out.

Im down for whatever, be it continue on and ignore him are make a new logo

It was all well and good when the STEEM price was up, now me thinks this guy is after a quick buck. It's a low act, and we should probably disassociate ourselves from him and his work by getting an in-house design. By submitting the design FOR the community, the rights should also have transferred TO the community, giving us full rights to use it anyway we want. But even still, it now leaves a sour note knowing that we're using a logo of someone of that ilk.

Post about the fallout and the reason behing not keeping the logo, and put out a contest for members to design a new one.

Perhaps build one around the current STEEM Silver Round design, which can be updated with each new one that come out each year?
Make it 100% #steemsilvergold

Get out of my head @bmj

... and each new year, the previous coin gets added to the logo somehow... a little coin stack, or a scattered around the logo..... like paying homage to the road we have traveled... now if only I could draw!!

If he didn't want it to be used, he shouldn't have entered it in the contest. You can't take it back after the fact. The reward that was offered was given, nothing. Ha ha.

He entered a competition with the rules of such laid out, he entered and gave the design of his own free will. No contracts were signed and no time limits were imposed and as such its safe to asume you have implied rights of usage if not total autonomy. You cannot give a "gift" and then later on decide you want paying for the said "gift" the indian giving git. To contest his claim all you need is the original post stating the terms of entering the design competition, his entry that was freely given and a simple question to ask is why has it taken you so long to make any complaint of its usage if you were so aggrieved? And then flick his ear and grab his head under your arm and give the little scamp a knuckle head rub.

Let's suppose that we stop using this precious. What guarantee do we have that the author (if it is really copyrighted) will not sue the community for have been using it, in the future?
Our "directors" live in US, UK, Australia and Canada. How will the author sue them (or us) around the world?

Bring it on. They don't have a leg to stand on and I'd love to see them cop some legal fees.

Given the shitstorm that could potentially be made with downvoting on steem, I'm of mind to simply part ways and make a new logo. No big deal. Bye precious, it was good while it lasted!

That's crazy, I hope i didn't start anything. I was just commenting because i used it before and didn't get a response like this.

4 design a new one

New design!

The shit this guy is trying to pull is not cool! I agree with @Guiltyparties on this one.

The problem with paying is that we may find ourselves in the same position two months from now. I say we scrap the logo and start over. Plus, the approach was a bit nasty...I don't like the idea of rewarding that.

If we are sure no reward was offered in the contest we should not pay anything. But looking at his wallet a lot of gratitude would be as rewarding as any small amount of steem. Synekto thanks once more! Hope we can continue to use your logo. If a reward was offered sent the eveidence.