hiya, thank you for your kind words i really appreciate it, it has been a steep learning curve but a very enjoyable one, i am always itching to make the next one :) and i am very excited about adding gold, only thing is even for a tiny amount~3 gms, its an eye watering price~nearly £300, so i am researching anywhere i can get it cheaper, not many suppliers though, i have looked into making my own and watched a lot of videos on saving gold from pc/phone etc and its very interesting, i prefer to recycle where i can, thank you for visiting its lovely to see you, my full respect to you
hiya, thank you for your kind words i really appreciate it, it has been a steep learning curve but a very enjoyable one, i am always itching to make the next one :) and i am very excited about adding gold, only thing is even for a tiny amount~3 gms, its an eye watering price~nearly £300, so i am researching anywhere i can get it cheaper, not many suppliers though, i have looked into making my own and watched a lot of videos on saving gold from pc/phone etc and its very interesting, i prefer to recycle where i can, thank you for visiting its lovely to see you, my full respect to you