Hiya Steemit!
well i’m back to reiterate the best financial advice i have ever received:
Just get one bitcoin
To many this may appear to be an onerous task, or indeed, one that is beyond the financial ability of said group. But can you afford to NOT have one? Bitcoin is just over 9 years old and despite the regular clamour of MSM about it being a fraud or a ponzi scheme, the network contines to expand and to accommodate all kinds of new monetary injections. It is true that the price has fluctuated wildly in the last 12 months, but that is because it is beyond the control of Central banks and fiduciary policy makers.
Bitcoin is a honeybadger — it don’t care!
WHERE THE HELL DID THE REST OF MY ARTICLE GO??? sorry, new readers, that’s some mystery shit right there — there were several more paragraphs published...
You just got splashed by @rewards-pool. For more information on delegating to the @rewards-pool click the following link. https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@rewards-pool/introduction-to-rewards-pool @rewards-pool where a small delegation can get you a big splash.
A welcome splooosh on a hot day!
Just one! I am with you on this one my friend. And once you get the one, then go after everything else you want, but for heavens sake, do your homework. There are a lot of undervalue crypto's at the moment, the challenge is picking the right one, you can't do this without do a little due- diligence. Wake up people the time is close.
You are so right silver-hammer. Pick the right ones with some homework involved.
Very interesting article, thanks mike
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
I’m trying brother I’m trying...
...and yer way ahead of most!
One Bitcoin is fantastic advise. In my opinion Bitcoin and only Bitcoin should be everybody's first goal. There's a reason the other coins are called alts......there is no guarantee alts will grow as much and as fast as Bitcoin once the moonshot is going. I love to stack Silver, but it's hard to imagine it catching 50x, while Bitcoin most assuredly will and then some.
Toad lily!!!
150% ROI, whens the last time someone got that type of return. That means you would have to see $50.00 silver to get that return. Now I think it will happen with silver but I think it will happen much, much faster with bitcoins and a few other alt coins. Stack it up my friends, there's gonna be a silver buying party soon.😎👊
The whole game is about gold and silver, primarily gold for my golden years! Crypto, silver, all of it, all points to gold in the end! I got my Sunday best ready for the buying party!
Theres an estimated 34,000,000 millionaires in the world...they can't all have 1 Bitcoin when shit hits the fan
Exactly my point!
I could have 1 BTC but it would require me to sell some silver so im going with LTC :) Poor mans BTC
Better than having Zip 😎👍
Lol. I've actually been looking at ZIP today! It's a sleeping dog crypto, what's your thought on some speculation for our next group buy?
Zip, or Zap? I hold some Zap but i have zip Zip!
Zap is ok. Zip is different, lol. It's traded sideways forever! May be worth a toss of afew bucks at it?
I’ll have a look... i lned Zap brcause of its name, its icon, the fact that it’s already on jaxx and is super-fast. That being said, it’s been a dog the last few weeks 😠
This is super sound advice!!!! I do think this asset class is a great hedge and should be a part of everyone’s portfolio.
If only 21 million people each owned a bitcoin!
The numbers are profound indeed!
I totally agree!
I used to tell people to just get 1 bitcoin back when it was under 500... its probably still good advice at 8k.
Probably still good in 3 years at 50k.
1 bitcoin is always good to have
My friend, I believe that cryptos are just waiting for the big leap. I don't know when this leap will happen, so instead of putting fiat money in bitcoin now, I would rather put my money traditionally in silver/gold and in steem. When bitcoin jumps, steem will jump behind it and the leverage on steem might be much greater than on bitcoin.
Sounds like a plan Ron — and happy for you thst you have one. Collecting Steem is a great idea! Particularly because of its value here on Steemit, but also because it is a crypto that can be coverted into bitcoin easily.
Stack ‘em high partner!
I actually need to start taking my profits for BTC, I've been stackin' and buying LTC with my gains. I think I almost have 0 BTC!
Always Back to Bitcoin...
When it was at $4,000 I was like man... I should totally buy a bitcoin.
And now I am like man.... I should’ve bought a bitcoin.
It has been this same story repeated time and time again! I facepalmed myself when bitcoin went from 1oz of silver to 2 🤘😜
Bitcoin is a honey badger!
Eats snakes! It don’t care... 😂😂😂
Does this count? It is all what is left of my bitcoin after selling and converting some to Etherium, LOL! NIL!!!

Stacks don’t grow overnight 😜👍
I am 1/10 of the way there.....
I agree just one is required. Once you have one then you need two, we all know how that one works. There are a few crypto's that stand out though and if the bear wakes up will send others sky rocketing as well including Steem.
I'd love to own 1 Bitcoin and I'm working on it. What are your thoughts on the Bitcoin Cash fork? Do you think it will do as well or even overtake Bitcoin?
BCH is junk imo...
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be accommodate instead of accomodate.👍
Only 1 bitcoin makes the difference... Only we who are in the crypto-monetary world know the importance of bitcoin.
Excellent advice, I hope to be able to meet him soon.
Who? The honey badger?
I still do not have a BTC but I'm working hard to have it ... or at least have fractions of BTC .. Greetings my pirate friend!!!