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RE: Fiat —> Crypto —> Silver&Gold —> Repeat

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Incorrect. Gold&Silver have intrinsic value, as well as holding proven purchase power throughout the millenia.

Every other example of “coinage” has failed miserably... just go to any coin shop and rummage through the boxes of old shitty coins that have no pm’s in them and you may soon realize the flaws in your eponymous theory.

Why would US coinage be any different? It has been losing value just as fast as fiat bills have, and probably quicker insofar as no one but panhandlers wanna carry that shite around...


The metal within our Coinage has been losing Value... But right now, it still takes 100 CENTS to obtain a Dollar that only has the Purchasing Power of ONE CENT... After the Reset, we will get a New (Debt Free) Dollar, and guess what...??? The New Dollar will have the Purchasing Power of 100 CENTS, not just ONE CENT like the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes currently have... It will still cost 100 CENTS to obtain one... You won't be able to say that about Federal Reserve Notes.. It will take 100 dollars in Federal Reserve Notes to obtain one New Dollar... A Reset of our U.S. Coinage along with a New Dollar is Justified, because of the loss in the Buying Power of the Federal Reserve Note Dollar... And yes, I also STACK Silver & Gold...

Okay, whatever bro, good luck with that. It sounds unlikely to me but stranger things have probably happened. It just seems like a kind of “fringe” theory to base your entire Steemit persona around.
It’s an open platform though so keep on rockin it and see if it’ll roll.

Actually, my Theory existed before I ever heard of Steemit... It's probably stupid of me to even post such a Theory... I should have just kept it all to myself, sit back and watch the events unfold... I realize how insane it all seems... It must have been just as hard to tell people the Earth was Round, when everyone knew it was Flat... One thing's for sure...
I have a lot of Experience & Practice, defending my Theory... I actually avoid talking about it in public... Thanks for commenting back... Your opinion "is" important to me...