Hello friends,
Due to unforseen circumstances, i was unable to purchase any silver today. 😳☠️😢😭😨😰😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
I was planning to... I was even planning to buy a few more of the “plucked tax payer rounds” that a few people had ogled. You know, so i could hold a fun raffle or something. Anyway, i got held up drinking espresso, doing laundry, and recording another @thedamus original on my iPhone. It’s hardly the best sound quality, but my old geezer mind is blown to bits, yet grateful, that this type of shit is even possible! Like, no mic, no mix, no nada!
It’s fun to be playing again, and some ability has returned, but sheesh! It’s very weird to forget certain things... like one’s own song for instance.
But i digress.
I was chatting with @willsparks88 this morning and we were wondering whether an M&M had gone awol. Pretty funny conversation actually — for most of it i was worried i had already received the package, but had been too drunk to remember, and had failed to post about it. Lol! I think i experienced “invented half memories” today. Fucking weird shit in retrospect.
Anyway, i went to my PObox, and all problems were solved!
I got so excited i went next door!!!
Mrs. @thedamus likes the Belgium beer so i got her one o these 😜👍
Check out @raybrockman’s decal — ‘bout 8months and that fucker is still as crisp as Van Halen 1984 and it’s gonna be ‘burnin’ down the avenue’ long after the Volvo is gone.
T’was a beautiful blue sky spring day here in Vancouver and i got some good pics of the loot off the roof of my car — right outside the boffo liquor store at the end of my street 😜 — my PObox has a liquor store lol.
A gorgeous 1903 Morgan — ME LIKEY!!! — and a sweet lil Mercury dime — another one of the all time greats in American Constitutional Silver. Super sweet!!! Thanks 88!!!
Next it was down to the Beag — i don’t just fucking drink there!!!
That was about 4pm. Doing laundry, smoking joints and playing hooligan music can really suck up the hours! So it was downtown to HQ to drop the loot and do the math and blah blah blah.
It could have been really bad. It has been a long while since i’ve endured a full 24hrs without any medicine, so i was happy to be saved by SSG today. And particularly @willsparks88!
In honour of that badass motherfucker, who, by the way, has just become today’s official winner of @thedamus’ coveted “Asskicker of the Day Award” — i would like to announce a prize!
The following bounty be offered to the best comment!
One “Plucked Taxpayer” round. The winner must be an active SSG member, although anyone can comment. Here is the booty!
One of ‘em!!!
Here’s what ya gotta’ do to win:
- Upvote the shit out of this post!
- Tell me something i don’t know about: sea shanties, pirate songs, songs of the siren, seafarer music, pop punk songs of the 1700’s
- Provide currated imagery of the era of pirates and mermaids. Treasure chests, drunk Keith Richards, vintage Les Pauls... what a ya got?
Someone’s gonna’ win it!
🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️Cheers! from @thedamus
If one would rather walk the plank then carry a pocket full of paper money, you might be a Pirate!!!
Thanks for the shout out buddy, that decal does still look pretty good.😎👊
Y’arrr matey! Ya Ol’ swashbuckler! Them’s that drown be the lucky ones!
...i’ve been lookin’ GM... i’ve been lookin’
Dig that STEEM logo decal on the car window😎
Thanks e-wit! That’s all @raybrockman
Good shit, hey Ray, what's the tag on one of those?
I was doing some reading and found this little tidbit to be very interesting. Several big time pirates, like Blackbeard, had what they called a Pirate Code of Conduct. Mutiny and desertion usually resulted in death or exile. Well, the pirate song "15 Men On A Dead Man's Chest" is supposed to based off claims that Blackbeard exiled 15 members to an island that is part of the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean called Dead Man's Chest after their mutiny. Based on Blackbeard's Pirate Code they would each be given a cutlass and a bottle of rum.
Here is a current picture of Dead Man's Chest Island. Courtesy of Wikipedia
Here is a photo of what a rum bottle they might have drank from could look like. Courtesy of Pinterest.
Aye! 'ave I got Pirate Music, the kind of epic music that are the heartbeat of me YouTube Videos composed my Thomas Bergersen (Two Steps from Hell). Two of my favorites from him are;

Cannon D Minor If I ever have a Pirate circa style wedding complete with a feast followed by an epic sword fight and plenty ole ale and;
Norwegian Pirate Arrrh! Makes yea wanna Swash some Buckles. Play these with your headphones on!
At yea service Guv'nor ~ The Bloody Raven
Thank yee Pirate Raven!
Well fine Sir, it just so happens that when I was in elementary school, about 10 years old, one of my favorite teachers wanted to teach us about humpback whales, and more generally math and science. It is fitting that we are now talking about whales on this platform, isn't it?Drunken Sailor and I feel that is also quite fitting for you friend! Listen to it here:
We each got a chance to change the hook to whatever crazy thing our little minds could come up with and it was an all-around wonderful experience. Now, more than 25 years later, it is still what immediately comes to mind when a steemit pirate asks about Shanty songs. Thanks for the memories!His beard looks like it turned into dreadlocks , so he probably liked the ganja too! ;) . Anyway, this awesome teacher had us watch episodes of "the Voyage of the Mimi" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Voyage_of_the_Mimi) and we learned quite a lot. Months later, the actual ship came to port in sunny Miami, FL and we went on a field trip to go see it. We got to meet the crew of the Mimi and ask them questions and sing pirate songs. The Shanty song that has stuck in my head all these years is called Here's the most infamous pirate, Blackbeard:
Very excellent submission @nofiat!
Great read before work, silver, booze, joints and steemit with pictures
You’re a shoe-in for the win 😜👍✨🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️🧜🏼♀️✨
Glad you got em dude!! Here’s a little drunken Keith Richards at Mic & Bianca’s wedding dated May 12, 1971. He was a machine!!
@thedamus I got a Guy Who Loves Canadians but Roots for an American Hockey Team............. You know he got Bailed Out Right Away and he probably likes Pirates too.........
Well yo ho ho and s bottle of rummy friend...... Glsd to see it wasn’t lost, looks like a nice pair of coins👍
Nice buddy! Silver in the post makes a great day!

Will with the save!
The “skyhook” from outta’ nowhere!
Did you know the front man of The Byrds Roger McGuinn made an entire album in 1976 dedicated to Pirate life on the open seas. The name of it was the Cardiff Rose and featured the song "Jolly Roger".
You don’t miss the Stout! Oh! I got you there. I guess you made the post after the joint. I’m replying after the joint...and you know how it feels right... 😀
My question is how to belong to SSG community?
One Morgan dollar is enough to suppress all the symptoms of stackits for one day. An extra Mercury dime is a very worthy bonus.
awesome man. Looks like the day couldn't have been any better. :D
excellent working!
its good for you great post
wow sir nice post i love your posts always :)
i think its have a great future

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Go shit somewhere else.
I agree with you @silverstackeruk
This is Really Great read before work, silver, booze, joints and steemit with pictures.
Thanks sir @thealliance for share with us your article.
Plagiarist fuck! Come back and i start flagging.
follow me . pls !
Thank you so much for sharing, @thedamus, useful post, and have a faithful friend, always go when needed, always successful and happy, regards to your friend. @jhoni follow you, I like.😊
The silver mermaids precious