Hiya Stackers!
My whole plan of being more relevant in other tags where fascinating people post photography, recipes, travel adventure and all kinds of other shit has been scullied...apparently i’m just a mad stacker with little interests besides...
But when it comes to stacking, i am on my game! I met up with @uglyboy yesterday, out in Richmond, we hit up some new spots (for me at least), and ate some noodle soups.
I promised time travel...so here are the last things i bought:
$6 face of early quarters! There was even a George VI in there, but the rest were early Elizabeth’s. $15cad per $1 face. I also got a Morgan for$15cad which is CHEAP!
That was at the last shop i went to. When i first got out there i picked up a NWT mint “hammer” bar for $23.08 cad (at Richmond VBCE) right before meeting up with U-boy. We ate noodle soups and then headed to a new shop that was AWESOME! I’m meeting up with @ronaldoavino on Tuesday and we’re going in!
Anyway, i got some good shit here! First up, i picked up something for @fat-elvis, i knew he was looking for it, and it was there, and, it was pristine! So i’ll let him show ya his lolly in a couple days... 😎👍
So i got these for $14.50 cad each
I also got a re-donk 1oz Art bar. Check out this wicked Zeppelin!
The image is proud of the face and it is hollow in the back...
Hey Ho, lez go Macro!
I paid a big primo for this one, but it is probably the coolest 1oz bar i have ever seen!!! Don’t even know who made it, but here is the mint mark.
And now... some certainly controversial coins. Let me announce loud and clear that i am not a Nazi, a White Supremacist, or an otherwise discrimatory individual. I believe in humanity, peace and having an accurate representation of history. I present the following with no support of the regime, and if possible, just as interesting coins from a time and a place that hopefully we can no longer imagine.
Here is a German Mark from a hundred years ago. This is the “old” image that The Reich sought to abolish.
And here is a couple other German coins that are rarely seen.
Presented with no fan fare, but admittedly, weird fascination just because it was so fucked up!
I truly hope i have not offended anybody by showing this heinous symbol of madness. But i cannot help but be interested in this amazing epoch.
But I am more interested in this:
And my new treasure chest that swallowed some pit-bullion today!
I must be baked ‘cause Precious looks like she could use some clarified garlic butter (is it just me or does she look like a giant lobster tail!)
🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝Cheers! from @thedamus
sensational my man - power rangers outfit?? well the head bit anyway
Love you kiwi!
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
You are rocking the shit out brother. That bar you picked up goes for a hefty premium. That’s a diamond in the rough my man. 👍
$35 cad — so like $10cad primo — but it’s awesome!!!
That was a great day with some good historical finds mixed with some damn fine deals and steals.
If coins could tell tales huh
Hellya! You gotta’ show that sweet candy you found!!!
Great stuff man...But nothing beats time with the kid/s and those that mean the world to us. So that was the icing on the cake for the post...for me anyway and more totem poles.
Cheers Man!
Hahahaha... Nice
Hooked you UP Bro on the GRAF ZEPPELIN Bar...........@thedamus https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@stokjockey/this-one-is-for-thedamus-straight-out-of-2018-04-30-10-14-44
That rules Stok — thanks for info!
All great buys dude! The zeppelin bar is sick! And the old Deutschland currency, well it's excellent, I have a bunch of nazi stamps from my uncle's estate after he died way back in the 80's, they may be not the nicest imagery to have, but it's part of history and should be learned about and not erased. We have a KKK museum here, near where I grew up that stirred controversy, but it happened here, they did exist in Canada at one time, maybe still do.
Also, I will have a sweet package out to you tomorrow that I hope brings you many joys.
Sweet action! That loco-Loccomotive will be going out tomo too 😎👍
The new Pirate Chest seen in action! Some really neat coins. But that Zeppellin bar is what really has my attention.
It’s an outright stunner!
Cheers shippie 😜👍
Oh, I do like the prices of this shop! Tomorrow we will see the prices of commemoratives...Did you know that the 1934 5Mark is a commemorative coin? It is the Potsdam Garrison Church.
I didn’t know it, but the dude behind the counter was full of info. 😁👍
Seeya’ tomo high nooner!
Very engaging post! You certainly had great finds! Nice pick-ups!
Cheers 888! I’m going back to the numi-shop with @ronaldoavelino tomorrow! Stay tuned 😜👍
I wish I could tag along! You are having so much fun!!!!
😁😜🤣 it’s goodtimes lately!
Great pickups! I am a big military buff and collect Third Reich relics myself, collectors buy to preserve the past, no one should ever be offended by the preservation of our history, but hey, that's just my way of thinking.
Back when money was actually money!
The time is ripe!
Haha...don't butter da tail...that's a Mermaid, not food! Great stack of silver coins and that Zeppelin is awesome @thedamus! Wish I had some noodle soup now!
The Zeppelin rules! And the noodle soups are a good change from 🍔🍔🍔’s
Holy shit dude, you really are on top of your game with those buys and the treasure chest at the end is the cherry on top :)
Cheers matey!
damn them are some good finds. I would like to have one of them germany coins with the swastics on there. i’m not a nozi neiather but them are cool. thanks for sharing.
Some sweet looking coinage you added to your hoard right there !!!!
Thx gpo! I knew you’d like 😁👍
Nice pickups TD. It won't be long before that treasure chest will be full of loot!
...and overflowing even 🤪🤪🤪
Some nice silverware picked up there. The zeppelin looks really cool!!
Some very cool finds! Looks like you had a great and facinating day! I have an all numbers matching Nazi Mauser that inherited from my Grandfather that gave me pause at first, but he brought it back from the war himself and I see it as a family heirloom and myself as curator of my family history. Even though it represents an evil regime, it is still part of my family history and history itself. I in no way support the ideals either, but keep it nonetheless. Keep thise stacks growing @thedamus!
Cheers stwbll! Thanks for posting your story.
coins filled with history and mystery
excellent..and my recent posts on silver, (thanks for support)..this is the last great buying opportunity..even in '18 the last three mionths and into '19 will show a dramatic and explosive move up..(you heard it here.)
I would be interested in learning about Canadian Coins as far as like Silver etc, are there easy to remember rules like with USA quarters it's pre65 etc?
Stick to pre- ‘67 and you have 80%
There’s some weird shit going on in ‘67 and then going fwd it gets even weirder! But 1966 and before are all 80% (dimes, quarters, halves and dollars).
fantastic thank you I don't see much Canadian money but I'll keep my eye out
I have not seen these coins before.
its very good post for me.
thanks sir for this post.
The all picture is very nice thanks for sharing :)
Awesome and grateful status for everyone.
Thanks for good share.
its different status i think.
nice and great
All coin are nice and German coins are very nice looking.
Amazing collection!!
Keep sharing nice post.
. Please explain who swallowed pit-bullion today?
Awesome finds👍