Hi friends!
Well that was disappointing...
First off, let me say that i thought everybody conducted themselves quite admirably during the town-hall meeting. I was listening from about 25mins before, until 5 mins after, Phil RELUCTANTLY spoke the words: “Stax and her wallet are mine” (or whatever the exact phrasing was...) in particular, i would like to commend @raybrockman for leading the discussion, and @buggedout for demonstrating clear, critical thinking and offering up 9 ways to Sunday to @phelimint for a way to keep membership happy and yet retain “ownership” of the bot. Way to go fellas! It is perhaps a good thing that i couldn’t figure out how to comment during the group chat, as i fear still, my opinion on this matter may not come across quite as judiciously.
post hasteSecond, where is my money @phelimint? I speak here ONLY of my donations to @steemsilverround, but sending that asap is a demand i am making and i would like it, or some kind of explanation
Thirdly, as one of the original 20 members of #steemsilvergold i want you to know i am seriously disappointed in you, @phelimint, and i am stunned that you would make such a lousy business decision for a measly seven grand.
Fouthly, where is my compensation? And forgive me if i sound greedy or arrogant, but you know what they say: “When in Rome...”
I have invested heavily in Stax.
-His winning design was based on my entry for what she should look like
-I named her (or more precisely, Membership chose what her name should be given several alternatives and my suggestion won).
-I found and brought onboard @edxserverus.
- there is not a single member that i am aware of that has done more for you than i have. And here i speak of a few things: i have argued for people to just chill out with all their pestering of you. I have commended your hard work time and time again. It was ME that argued for paying you via the “community” bot to maintain it. I am sure you remember exactly where the genesis of that idea came from 😳 — and as an aside, why in fuck would anybody agree to pay a private bot owner for maintaining a bot that they were already supporting with a daily 100? ...i’ll just wait for that answer i’m assuming...
Oh yeah, and months ago, i spent several hours over a couple days helping you bring Phelimint into the 21st Century re: accepting crypto via your website — i charge $100-150 hr to do that for strangers, and i am hired regularly. I alerted you to this fact back then, told you it was unnecessary to pay me in the spirit of fraternity, but ffs man, you own a mint — don’t you think a 1oz token of gratitude (at the very least) would have been a classy move?
Further, i have monitored your rep, followers and wallet for months, and i have marvelled at the massive collateral improvements to your account that have resulted from being in the driver’s seat with Stax. And last night when you said something along the lines of: “yeah i was thinking it was getting a little imbalanced when voting strength dropped from 80, to 60, to 50, to 40...” well why didn’t you do anything about it?
You argue for ownership as if Stax is just like any other bot out there — but she was like no other bot. Her rapid ascension to $70 daily post rewards was THE DIRECT RESULT OF MEMBERSHIP. Hell, i have over 6,400 unencumbered SP and i have been dishing out to her like Gordon Fucking Ramsy!
It will not surprise me if this is not agreed to, but that too will be your decision.I think 5% (1/20th) of the wallet is a good place to start. Please send along $350 on top of my generous contribution to @steemsilverround.
And finally, as this is already beginning to bore me, what the fuck are you thinking man!!!? Between just me, ray, and the mafia bros you have already lost about 7k in potential future business, and have now suffered as yet unrealized besmirchment of your brand! And you know what? You deserve it! Your business ethics are shit.
Moreover, you’ve turned OUR little girl into a whore! From Jeeez!!! To Sleeeze!!!
We had this:
With lots of good will and material support,
And now you have this:
Personally it’s not even a big deal to me. I’m a big boy, i’ve been around the block once or twice, i’ve been there, done that, bought the fucking T-shirt and left greater fools than you in my dust and my flatulence
Oh yeah, and did you know:
I know that you know that what you are doing is wrong — i could hear it in your voice during the group chat. Why you would, as @buggedout so eloquently phrased it, volunteer to get “hit by a bus” when all you had to do was step up and be a real man? You had the rare opportunity to be a fucking HERO, and you chose PIMP instead.
I would advise you to look up this word in the dictionary: INTEGRITY
I’m serious. And then give a long think about what kind of character you want to have, and how you will display this to your family, friends, and other realtionships you find yourself in.
Without integrity you ain’t got shit man.
And to be perfectly clear on two things:
- Send me my fucking money asap
- Stax is no more steemsilvergold than that pocketchangetheoryguy is
Stax is dead. Long live Steemsilvergold!
damn!!!!! I an not sure how to even follow that fucking post up. BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!! classic damus style. Gonna give 100 and fucking Resteem on this one.
Thx Ray-Ray! Viva SSG!!!
Ha ha , you just got a staxx upvote.
And one from phil too!!!?
He doesn't hold a grudge. 😉
I'm glad you made this post and I'm happy we have a brute like you on the side of SSG. The big guns were definitely needed on this one and your droppin Atom Bombs of truth brotha!
Calls ‘em likes i sees ‘em Boss!
@thedamus, You Just Got Hammered!
This breaks my heart TD .
This whole mother fucking weekend has been one great big heart ache after another, one huge disappointment after another.
I missed you yesterday and wish you stayed, but after reading this perhaps it was best you left when you did.
I don't want Stax to be dead. I want us all to work this out.
But then again Im an insignificant part of the community so....
Maybe I'm naiive or maybe I just see Phil a different way and believe he didn't mean to mislead anyone. But now he knows the gravity of the situation...
Can we just sit one more time to talk it out?
I'll bring all the alco you can drink <3
I don’t think phil set out to mislead anyone either. Nor do i think he is a bad dude — great dad from the looks of it. But all things considered, he just hasn’t met my threshold of decency on this one. He is yet to reply or comment, so who knows what he is thinking.
I’m sorry for you that your design was not chosen, but there is always next year and Welshie’s was damn good. Ironically, this years interest may wane a bit given who’s minting it, but we shall see.
Re: another talk — there’s nothing else to say! I do wish i could guzzle yer liquor cabinet, but that’s gonna’ have to wait too!
Yes not on this one. But surely one huge mistake, by someone who is not a total asshole, can eventually be forgiven and we can work it out.
This break up, regardless of wether you realise it or not, affects all of us who love #steemsilvergold and have watched the tag grow since July 2017 and it fucking hurts ok?
Just so were all clear on this, this whole break up hurts and my heart aches over all yall.
It's ok! Welshy's design esp with Ed's edit was magnificent. His meaning is also brilliant, I'm very happy he won.
There's plenty left to say.
😻😻😻Right you are @bearone! My best advice would be to just keep doing your sweet thing girl. Ssg isn’t breaking up, it’s just breaking IN! We all gonna’ be just fine
Yes well I left today. I cried and that's enough tears from me pouring out on account of SSG. I have asked Phil to please take me off Stax's voting list, but I will keep my delegation in for the community.
Most people dont know this but I was around when @hgmsilvergold brought #steemsilvergold to life. If you scroll through his blog, youll see him using the logo i created for the community dating way back to 7 months ago..
I have loved this community from it's inception. I really hope they're right and time heals all wounds.
My love to all you guys. Holla if you need me.
us and stax is no longer the support you thought she was..You’re awesome bearone! And let’s make it perfectly clear: #steemsilvergold is
Take back your delegation from stax asap. Keeping that...thing...around is helping no one. As well, there will soon be a good place for it — a happy, warm and safe place for it.
Cheers b1
I wish i had said more but i at the time i was thinking i might have gone off on one if i started talking
This’ll all be ancient history by the time this post pays out...
👊😎 Viva SSG!
Have a nice day @thedamus, You Just Got Hammered!
Thanks dude, the brutal honesty is a refreshing thing. We all have to think of our own integrity, and choose wether or not to support the not. I feel that I need to pull my delegation. But am not sure how exactly to do that. But I'm gonna sleep on it a bit maybe. Viva la #ssg, viva la Damus. Keep stackin' and Mackin bro!
Fucking A Elvis. Just so you know, i would think nothing less of you or anybody (well, maybe a smidge...) who wishes to continue using that, thing.
Cheers Bro!
Well put brother!!!!!
Thanks 510! Just keep on swimming man 😜👍
Eye eye Captain ⚔️🗡👍
Subtle.... Very subtle!!! I think you got your point across.
YOU HAVE MY FULL BACKING(for what it's worth). #SSG4life
Damus, these are your own feelings. You're hurt, angry, dissapointed and want justice..... No one can tell you that you are wrong, because they are NOT you.... So don't let any more negativity get to you. You are here to support #steemsilvergold not Stax, we get that (well I do)
So it is now time for a new era in the #SSG .... A time for support and caring for this community. We are here for eachother now, not to rely on a BOT.
I started this off myself by deligating 100SP to @mbc-meps and to @tyedyefirepower, helping others while helping myself I know.... I have also set an autovoter to those that I usually miss (even though I Deligated my SP)
So lets start rebuilding the rep of the Tag itself, you have been a big part of this, and will keep being a person the new members look to....
Keep up the great posts @thedamus
And just remember D.....
Disappointed, yes
Want MY MONEY, yes
Hurt, fuck no!
Angry, fuck no!
Experiencing any negative emotions, fuck no!
Going to continue doing wtf i want, fuck yes!
Got silver? Fuck yeah i do!
Yeah you do D, got plenty of silver! But always room for more! 😁
Wow haha. I miss one evening of chats and SSG stuff and I come back to this 🤣
Im disappointed its turned into this, but I guess my disappointment lies mainly with one person.
Time to bring back the not so long ago glory days of this tag and this time make them even more glorious!
The only way to succeed is to overcome failure.
We got this!
Just now getting a chance to read this! This is best post I’ve seen thus far on it! #SteemSilverGold will live on!
Hell yeah! Thanks for kind words Sevin!
Of course my brother! At the end of the day we are all stackers
Well put damus!! Even though I have only been a part of this a short time I feel I need to say my 2 cents! I will no longer be giving my 100% vote even though its only a .25, I want no part of someone/something that would do friends like this! I post everyday and I feel it is descent content and I upvoted 100% 1 paragraph posts from STAX everyday! I still support #steemsilvergold and appreciate everyone for being so welcome!!! Thank you!
Right on 88!
Nature abhors a vacuum. If there is a need for a new transparent community bot, then one will appear.
Thats exactly what i'm thinking!! We might have to build our own!!
Gordon fucking Ramsey 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Great post brother! 👊
Yeah, i was snickering over that one too!
After listening to the town hall in full and thinking things over, I am no longer supporting Stax as well.
I want it to be clear that my decision isn't just because of my support for @thedamus or @raybrockman or others, but simply how I feel right now. When your brothers think enough of you to call a meeting and very respectfully discuss the issues, and the response is the wallet is mine, this doesn't sit well with me.
I realize that my current upvote or donation doesn't amount to shit, but I do hope to grow larger someday. I honestly thought that the community owned this entire account, based on everything that I had read and comments.
I realize that accounts like mine are easily dismissed, even by my fellow ssg members sometimes, because of no SP delegation and no huge wallet. What's happened with Stax is the exact reason that my wallet looks like it does. I don't want to be heavily invested in something that goes proof. Most times, I don't even want to show off all of my purchases, for safety reasons.
I'm @jbcoin and I've been stackin' gold and silver since '75 😊 Long live #steemsilvergold
Fuckin’ A JB!
Do it your way and follow the light to the shiny!
crazy shit man
Well steemit is the wild west of crypto social media so after a good shootout its to the saloon for whiskey. It is good to see how much everybody cares about building and protecting a community here in Dodge. I enjoy all the ssg posts and they are created by a desire to be involved more than the financial reward and we are all rootin tootin John Waynes, a few Richard Widmarks and maybe a Lee Van Cleef
Damn fine idea! There’s nothing a few whiskeys can’t fix!
I ran out of Aberlour weeks ago, the single malts have run dry and even the glenfiddich has gone to whiskey heaven in the sky, im on the leftover Bells from Christmas, i knew this day would come!
Whiskey is hard to collect!
And silver doesn't know how lucky it is to not have a %ABV, my stack would be just a mere distant hazy memory and a confusing kabab stain. Just dont get you silver and whiskey proofs mixed up, a pf70 britannia doesn't go down as well as smooth a single malt.
Well mate you don’t leave anyone wondering v what you’re thinking.
It’s a shame it’s all gone to shit but how we move forward will be important.
Frankly I missed the lead up to this and it’s come as a bit of a shock but I really love the #steemsilvergold community and hope I can get a couple of @welshstackers design rounds.
Everything’s cool bro — this is what “getting better” looks like!
If you contributed to a joint business venture and it grew, then the scumbag entrusted to maintain it decides to run off with the wallet, then that's embezzlement. Just returning your initial investment isn't enough. Your anger is 100% justified.
We’re all good sb. Just keep on swimming!
It is a new day tomorrow!
I am literally in bed right now. It’s 3:36pm here and i’m having a very calm, mellow afternoon...
Good for you, my friend! Take care.
Wow give up internet for a few weeks and shit gets real.
Damn bro!!! All hail King Damus!!! 🙇 🙇 🙇 excellent post dude, my ass hurts after this one😱😁✌🏻💪🏻
Thanks brother!
Similar to the Phoenix, we must burn to ashes to rise and start again. I know we will more forward as a better, stronger community. I like the slogan I'm seeing: Viva la #ssg!
Right on right on!
Oh my, a lot has sure happened while I was on bed rest. Reading all this fallout is sure confusing me as my logical side has gone on vacation and won't be back until I promised myself to get more sleep.
It all stinks Kr, but it will be solved with time.
I wasn't able to tune in to the town hall meeting. Sounds disappointing though. What a mess @thedamus
Ahhh, not so bad really... A good lesson for all involved and it’s still early days
There goes the weekend!
I am not laughing. I thought the call went well - I listened 20 minutes of the recorded one - and now this.
Well the above is just one guy’s opinion...
But it will be very interesting to watch what happens next 😜
@thedamus stop holding back and tell us how you really feel 😀 I kidd. Hard hitting but needed to be said.
Lofl! SSG is greater than the sum of it’s parts. We’ll get through this easily and back to stackin’ mackin’ and wisecrackin’ soon enough.
Already moving forward man. Good things yet to come!
There sure are!
I feel for you man. i'd like to thanks you for all you did and doing for the community. I just started here about a month and a half ago and didn't know the history of the group. With the controversy coming out we can see you, pit and ray hold up the community not a bot. Thanks my friend
Thanks firecajun! Just keep on swimming bro! We all gonna’ be just fine!
a lot has gone down apparently. it's sad to see that a unanimous decision could not be reached, but at the end of the day it should be about the community and not an individual. strength in unity!
Cheers j-sam!
I like the cut of your Jib @thedamus. The course and speed of a ship is determined by the cut of the ships jib so saying that you like the cut of someones jib is a way of saying, i like the way you're heading.
Cool! Thx stok 😎👍
Long live Steemsilvergold.
I don't know why @phelimint done this kind of bad thing. He (@phelimint) shouldn't have done this.
We are always support #steemsilvergold @thedamus
@thedamus patience in the face off problems and resolute when asking rights, is the principle of heroes
That’s 2 principles
nice steem sliver gold!
Have a nice post hear.The big guns were definitely needed on this one and your droppin Atom Bombs of truth brotha!
I just flagged your ass for being a lousy plagiarist. Do not return to @thedamus