Updated List of Asskickers!!!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Here it is... all who have signed up for golden grace via @thedamus

Of course i’m talking about Menē — isn’t everybody?

In case your new, please click and sign up (you get $5 rightaway!) by following this link — email and password and yer done!

Click it: http://Mene.com/invite/vPkPVZ

Okay, here it is thus far:

  1. Ray-Ray
  2. Dark m
  3. Pit
  4. K-seeker
  5. Owen
  6. castbound
  7. Shippie
  8. Ron A
  9. jassonbu
  10. Welshie
  11. bengy
  12. UK
  13. Sparks88
  14. 510
  15. beograd
  16. Pappy
  17. James-09
  18. o07
  19. aaronren
  20. Utomebong
  21. S- gingerman
  22. huw28582
  23. letyouread
  24. grizzman
  25. kiwi
  26. wakkylyon
  27. jimbobbill
  28. sheilmenher
  29. vgholdingsllc
  30. rollingthunder
  31. roxdude
  32. underground
  33. whtchpl
  34. adisrivastav
  35. uglyboy
  36. aminul7
  37. shlomi215
  38. damss

Ya might as well... i’m giving away gold and promises of heady upvotes!

Thanks to all that have supported me! You are sitting in an enviable position... 😳😁😻😆🤩🤪😜👍


Image result for kiwi


check this out.You have received an upvote from STAX. Thanks for being a member of the #steemsilvergold community and opting in (if you wish to be removed please follow the link). Please continue to support each other in this great community. To learn more about the #steemsilvergold community and STAX,

Kicking ass, taking names and stacking!

The perfect ate-it-for-lunch combo!


Yeah we are!!!

Yes! I'm totally kicking caboose!

yeah you are!!!

I'm on the list of ass kickers! Yes!!

no surprise there buddy!

Boss, I didn't really know about this. Could you please throw more light?

Click on the link. Sign up! Send me a screen cap of your welcome page and get added to the list. Someone’s walking with 5g of the fancy!!!!

Cheers chief. Does @owenwat know he's won yet?

Lol... O is a marvel alright! But this one will be drawn live... fair and square — if it’s O then just be happy we still have magic...

It's an honor to be on a list with the above mentioned. Are you allowed to throw your own name on there and then disqualify yourself like @goldmatters, because you should. Good Luck to everyone and thanks again for the giveaway @thedamus!

Cheers ks! And good luck! I really hope someone from ssg takes this baby home!


Contest runsfor March...


I would normally do it for 1 week, but this is a large prize to giveaway — that might get bigger!

My friend, I always try to seat in an enviable position...

That's wow @thedamus I have been added among the 27 Keep rocking man!!!!

Someone’s gonna’ be stoked! The bar is a beauty!