Winning Free Silver Just got Easier!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Hi friends!

Earlier today I wrote a post called ‘Hi Ho (free) Silver!’ and announced I was giving away a 2017 ‘Community’ 1oz silver round and raffling off another one to benefit @steemsilverround. Here they are:


In my earlier post i had asked for two answers to questions regarding my blog and 1sbd to get a chance at winning. Well it just got easier! And i wanna’ make sure i don’t exclude anybody.

Now, all ya gotta’ do is send me 1sbd to enter this giveaway and that’s it! No more silly!!! Although i offer high praise to: @raybrockman, @armshippie and @owenwat for providing excellent answers — thanks guys!

So, once again, here’s the deal.

  1. Send me 1sbd and you are entered in my raffle. The winner gets to choose which above Steem Round s/he wants and whom the other one should be sent to (it has to be someone following @thedamus). And that’s it!

Send as many sbd as you want for a better chance at winning. 1sbd buys one “chance” at winning, and all sbd received from this raffle will be donated to @steemsilverround to help bring down the cost of the 2018 Round which is in design competition right now.

Here are your competitors:

  1. @pit-bullion — 4
  2. @knowledge-seeker — 2
  3. @armshippie — 1
  4. @john-robert — 1
  5. @fat-elvis — 1
  6. @methus — 1
  7. @mikeshuh — 1

Pretty smoking odds at winning a piece of history i’d say!!! C’mon, do something for yourself, your community, and feel good about it. The raffle will happen after this post pays out and will be conducted fairly. Do eeeeet!

And now...?

Some more silver...of course!

It is Sunday today so usually there is little on offer in the silver dept. My stackitus was alleviated entirerly last night after being a guest on the MetalsMafia podcast — damn Pit! That was fun — but this morning i awoke with another medical condition — i was hungover. Lol, yep, pouring drinks and pouring silver was all part of the fun.

By this afternoon, and even after a bowl of Phõ and numerous espressos, i knew i needed something with more clout. I could feel the stackitus creeping back in and my guts were in need of perhaps the greatest hangover cure known to mankind — A Bacon Cheeseburger with onion rings in it, and no tomato. Behold the remedy!


Wow! Now that’s a Fatburger!!! As i revelled in my convalescence and dipped my burger in barbecue sauce, i let my eyes wander over across the street. Well wadda’ ya know? Fatburger on Broadway is directly across the street from Vancouver Gold — that cash4gold spot i have spoken of — and they were open! Huh? Whah? Vancouver Gold is open on Sundays!!!? Man that burger is working good!

I called ‘em up halfway through and got the answer i was looking for: “put ‘em aside please, i’ll be in in 5 minutes...” was what i said before smashing another bite of my cheeseburger. 8minutes later i had these two beauties in hand for $23.05 each, but she only charged me $23


Check it out:


Sigh! My belly was full, my pockets had some vintage J&M bars (the older variety with the square box, and they are consecutively serialized: 211569 and 211570). Hangover, gone. Stackitus? What stackitus? I’m just fine...

Now that is a good fishing expedition. Today spot was $20.61 cad and if they were open, VBCE would’ve been charging $22.47 for generic rounds (and $23.54 for Maples) So for $1.06 i got two old bars that i love to collect. Good times friends!

direct contribution to making the 2018 coin more affordable — which means ya can buy more of ‘em!!!Please consider sending @thedamus 1sbd or more and you may just be the winner of a highly coveted 2017 Steem round with coa, and the total badass that gets to direct where another one lands. At the very least it is a

Thanks for stopping in folks! Always nice to have ya by.

🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈Cheers! from @thedamus


Put me in for 5, sbd is on the way
Thanks for doing this bud.

The Oracle has spoken!

Done and done!

oooh i do love a raffle, count me in :)

Thanks russel! I’ll update in my next post

Oh man, I'm on a strict diet and Fat Burger is one of my favorite places! that picture is torture. lol.

One mans torture...!

Oh shit I haven't had breakfast yet that burger just made me start dribbling! Right I'm going to the shop I need meat! What's a bowl of pho? Porridge with a silent h? 🍔🍔🍔🍔

Pho is liquid gold @owenwat! Pronounced (fuh), asian soup with light meat broth, noodle, vegetables, cilantro, very good hangover food!

JB nailed it!

I was waiting for the payouts of yesterday's blog and then to answer your questions, but now it's even earlier and I'll just send you the 1sbd. Count me in my man.


Thx bro, i see ya! I will update list in next post

Was awesome having you on the chat! 👍 Good times 😂 Sweet JM bars bro! Score!!

Thx buddy — i’m hooked!

Got my entries in. Thanks for running this @damus

You’re primed Pit!

I love these Old JM Bars and I know you saw my BLOG from 3 months ago to be on the look out for the Serial Number mistakes.............

Yep! No mistakes here, but getting a pair of sequentials was a boon!

Great pickups @thedamus! I cannot wait to see who will win the raffle. Good luck everyone!

Cheers ks! And Good Luck!

Great looking bars and burger @thedamus! I wish that I could've joined the MetalsMafia live chat. We had family plans that night.

There’ll prolly be another...
t’was good times 😁

Interesting story, I bought most of my Bullion from the VCBE Granville office when I worked in that area of Vancouver. Small world getting smaller. And I have been window shopping at Vancouver Gold before just see what they got.Just Done, my first ever transaction for the team to @steemsilverround.

Cool! Do you still live in Van? 2576 Granville is one of my main spots.

I used to, I live in Coquitlam now. Nice to know a there's a veteran Steemian in the Vancouver. Used to buy my bike parts from Sports Junkies in the area.

Cool kr!

A beer downtown as we head i to spring is deffo in order!

Well I should have read newest to oldest, as I participated in your silly. It was fun though, and the clever responses gave me enough info lol. I was looking for the name of your ship though to get some insight

Ironically, you named it perfectly in your first post! It is called The Ingot of course.

Cool, I thought I was right. That's why I said I was gonna wing it once I read some of the responses you upvoted. Good name for a pirate ship.

She’s the fastest ship in the galaxy!

Wow nice money photo

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