That's a wild ride, but it was fun to go on with you. I'm assuming that for such an incredible adventure that you were riding around in that Ferrari. :)
You got a lot of nice pickups. It's cool to experience history by seeing coins that were made back then and have survived. It's a bit humbling. Glad you could add some depth to your collection.
Thanks for saying hi tmwnn! It was a fun day, but we we’re on transit lol — saving up for the Ag Italia 😜👍
That's smart. Rather than riding in style (that's diminishing in value) you're riding with stacks on stacks of paper that's getting turned into money. I think you're on the right track. Man, if you were riding the train, that pun would be so great! :)
We were on the train! “Skytrain” from Van to Richmond! Deffo the right track 😜👍
That's perfect! And you got to pass all that traffic as you went about your day, so seems like you made the right call all around. :D
I just got back from an adventure. I'll be putting up a post on that soon, maybe tomorrow. I can't keep up with you big boys, but I sure can blast through some cash when given the opportunity. :P
One of the things i like about transit (besides no parking, gas, tickets, road rage, etc) i that i can Steem while on my way somewhere.
I do live to drive my car — juat not all the time 😜
Hey, if you have a functioning transit system that gets you where you need to go, good for you! Although to be fair, if your driver has anger issues, you're all in a lot of trouble. So are the people in the other train. :/ Too soon?
Driving a car is pretty awesome. It's just a lot nicer when the road is curvy and traffic is light.