LOL I know of course you won the Biggest Bestest GAW, and another thing plus a raffle seems like you are on e Hot Streak! One AWESOME stretch at work I won SEVEN out of 11 Check-Pools, the 4 I did not win were in the middle, cuz I did not PLAY! I did check my numbers and I would have won 2 of the 4, provided my money input did not change the draw #... Check Pool, if ran properly, is a rather complex set of Number Field Theory. We take the Check Number, 5 digits on the right, added to the Draw # of a randomly drawn U$D fiver, or ten, or 20 dollar bill, w/e the entry fee is. Those 2 numbers are then added to the Net Pay, again, 5 digits on the right, as most times a paycheck exceeds $1,000.00 U$D so we drop the first digit. These "Five Cards" make up a Poker Hand for Check Pool. Top hand WINS, take all. I was winning around $400 a week ;) An extra $2,500 to $3k was a sweet hit that quarter ;) I was buying SILVER heavily then, it went to STACK
Hope you get yours Soon, OWEN! SWEEET!
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