Aye, A Newfy ye be? All that skullduggery and cursin' and motherfeckin' going on! (^(#@&)#^))&)(#&_$
Finally got yer blimey a$$ some AMERICAN SHINY, I SEE! lol
I even have me some Maples, and now you have some from @thedamNus even yer handle is hatin' ??? :P lmao
Great Haul, I cannot keep up that pirate shtick very long!!!
Ye old keel-hauler, ye even got a Full Vote outta old Pirate Rob!
Curse yer Scurvy Hide!
Avast! Captain Rob!
I haven’t seen your weathered carcass since forever. H’Arrr! Let us traverse the planks and sallyforth directly to the bar — Y’Arrr!