Working title: "COMMUNITY RISING"
With half the year already behind us, the remaining months look set to be great here in the #steemsilvergold community.
We've managed to deliver an incredibly successful #monsterraffle and now maybe we should start to set our sights on getting the #steemsilverround up and running again??
We all know that sometimes in life things come up that need our attention and take our focus away from other projects. Can I just reassure everyone that, although it doesn't look like much is being done, the wheels are in motion and things are progressing.
I'm sure the folks working on delivering the 2019 #steemsilverround haven't forgotten, but can always use as much help as possible to get the job done. So let's all stay positive and all try and make this process run as smooth as possible.
I know a few questions have come up along the way and a few concerns raised about the price of steem relating to the number of u it's that could possibly be sold. So for my own personal curiosity, would you please let me know your expected order amount. This would really be helpful in determining the amount of rounds minted.
I have a feeling it will be closer to 1000 rather than 1500 this time. I'd love to see 1500oz, but that could leave the people responsible holding a lot of silver that would need to be paid for out of their own pocket.
OK, this post was meant to be about plugging my own design and asking if any changes were needed, but it's become more of a drive for support!
So a couple of things:
Do we still want a SSR?
How many to order?
Just like the monster raffle, we need engagement from all over #steemit. I hope that the "choosing the design" process will occur soon, so that we can start plastering social media with blogs and comments to drum up pre-sales.
So it's time to do your bit. Let's get blogging. Let's get #steemsilvergold and the #steemsilverround trending.
Together we can smash this out the park and make the steem silver round a great success
It's tough isn't it? I've never been a stacker before I started buying these coins. Its been a way to take some wins off the table.
Hard to justify when there aren't any wins to take.
I'd be looking at a substantial reduction from previous years, and only take 20.
I'd need a bit of notice even for that, as Steemfest is only a few months away, so I'm budgeting for that, too.
I think the fact this is the first on-topic comment since you posted 2 hours ago, is unfortunately something of an indication of general sentiment. The idea of dropping 60 STEEM on each coin...
@mattclarke Hey you by chance got a 2017 round you'd be willing to part with?
Hi Dave. Not at any sort of price you'd want to pay :)
You're the seller. What cha want?
Can I make a suggestion? And this is without knowing how it works behind the scenes or what the minimum amount of rounds you would need to mint and sell to cover costs is but you guys know that answer I would imagine.
Why don't we do it like Golden State Mint does their "minimintage" rounds and take pre-orders before minting one round?
Let me outline the way I see it going:
The only drawback I can see here is that it will take more time from purchase to receipt of said round but I think most people would understand that you guys are dealing with tiny margins and to be sure you don't lose money pre-order is necessary.
This is from the Golden State Mint Minimintage page
I have waited months for a minimintage item in the past and I really didn't mind.
So I say continue on with the choosing of the round and I think that will build the excitement. Also if you could share the minimum number you need to sell I think that would help.
Thanks @welshstacker!!!!
Smart cookie 🍪 👈
I have also waited months for a Golden State Mint order, and it was worth it. I'd be into a pre-order scenario, probably only for a couple of rounds, but it chips in.
I'll be down for 5-10 depending on my finances when the actual ordering goes live. I would prefer to send FIAT payment for these rather than paying in STEEM at the current value. I believe that has been an option in the past, but correct me if I am wrong. Buying Crypto to convert to STEEM to send as payment is a chore.
I would also prefer to pay FIAT at the current rate, or a combination of STEEM and FIAT.
I'll definitely be wanting at least 4 but I'll take more if they're available. The past two years I tried to hold back so others could get theirs, but this year I just want to make certain they are minted. So I can preorder 10 if the initial interest is low... maybe up to around 20. I just want these guys to be made.
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Thank you welshstacker! You've just received an upvote of 78% by thejollyroger!
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I will take 3-5 coins for myself. I look forward to getting one this year.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'll want 2-5 depending on money..
I call dibs on #666. If possible I'd like to reserve it now. Appreciate it if yall would be so kind to let me order this one when the time comes.
I prob would get 5 or 10!
I will pay cash for my rounds so the steem price doesn’t change my order. The number I get will depend most on which design in chosen. Minimum I will get three.
But if one of mine gets picked the order will be HIGHER 😁
I love this design! I'm also glad that I didn't miss the boat. I had been checking in frequently just for the 2019 round info but I got slack after not seeing anything after several weeks.
I sent you a message on discord about my delegated sp. I'm not sure if I'm taking the appropriate channels for doing that or not, I apologize if I'm not.
As far as predicting how many rounds I will want? Really hard to say at the moment but probably at least 5 or 6.
Edit: I think I just took care of it using steemworld. Sorry, I've been out of the game for a while and I'm a lil rusty.
I'll be ordering some for sure!
I'd be interested in a few.
Posted using Partiko Android
That is a beautiful design. I love these steem rounds and I Will love to get one in #92 same as my other rounds if its possible to already choose 😉 lol
I probably but one more to. Thank you for all you do. Cheers! 💖
Posted using Partiko Android
I think your design is absolutely fabulous! This is attractive, crisp, clean, and very pleasing to the eye with that tribal-inspired artwork! "Bravo!" for such a superb design!
Depending on cost, I might like 1 or 2.
Fantastic design