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RE: Beast-Mode!!!

So, sit back, hold tight and enjoy the ride is it?? Lol I'm not dull enough to invest in the paper contracts but by the end of this week we should see how it's affecting bitcoin? Am I better getting some now or see where we are on a few days time? So many questions. You should charge a consultation fee


I do... i am making really good money here in Van doing that very thing. But i’m happy to help out ssg with info and support as another way of doing service for our community.

...and yes, get more asap. I would reccomend litecoin if i gave financial advice, but i don’t...

Litecoin I have. I was told a few weeks back bitcoin is to gold as litecoin is to silver, so I jumped in and prices have doubled. It's a crazy old world.

Yay!!! Welshie, i’m happy for you. The silver/gold — ltc/btc is an old analogy. And a good one! Even the ratios kind of match up right now...


Silver 76:1 gold

Ltc 90:1 Btc

Just approx numbers but ya get what i mean.

“Anyone who has ever used litecoin, loves litecoin.”
